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1 Churburg
2 Tschenglser Hochwand
3 Schluderns
4 Ortler
5 Glurnser Köpfl
6 Glurns


Location: Schluderns, Sluderno, Kalvarienberg (1035 m)      by: Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Area: Italy      Date: 31 Okt 2011


Hello Hans-Jürgen... 
Can you write about your lens, camera-settings and software? Did you have a fixed exposure all the way through, or...I'm most curious about how you worked in the sun. LG Jan.
2011/11/12 21:25 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Hello Jan, I didn't spend much text to this pano as I believe it could have been done better on a different time of the day.
The pano is made of 15 portrait pictures, all in jpg compression, which is usually an exception for me as it doesn't allow much re-work. Half of the pano is taken towards full sun so I used a high lens aperture value (f/16). All pictures also at a fixed time value (1/200s). Thanks for your appreciation! Regards HJ

Software: ALR, PTGUI, Irfanview, + (GIMP/PSE) here I don't remember anymore
2011/11/12 21:56 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Fuhrst Du da Richtung Stilfser Joch?
Der Ortler lockt schon auf diesem stimmungsvollen Pano!
Gruss Walter
2011/11/14 10:09 , Walter Schmidt
Ja und nein Walter, das Stilfser Joch war am nächsten Tag dran. Hier war es ein Abstecher eines Familienspaziergangs am Leitenwaal - schöne Rundtour auch mit geschultertem 19kg Zusatzgewicht ... HJ
2011/11/14 20:33 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
2011/11/15 17:16 , Sebastian Becher

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Hans-Jürgen Bayer

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