Iceclimbing in Rjukan   32964
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Location: Sector Arne near Rjukan      by: Daniel Roth
Area: Norway      Date: 2007-02-15
Here you see sector Arne, which is an ice and mixed climbing spot in the vicinity of Rjukan, which is famous for its hydroelectric power plant Vemork. Nazi Germany tried to get heavy water from the sole industry size production site at that time for their plans to build the atom bomb. The solid water, which you see here, will - once melted - flow into the Rjukanfossen, a water fall, 105 m high. Ice climbers having climbed Rjukanfossen in winter will come to this point where the pano was taken.


Hi Daniel, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ein cooles Pano! Mit Eisklettern kenn ich mich nicht aus, mich würde aber interessieren ob man solche herabhängende Zapfen klettern kann? Denn irgendwann im Laufe des Winters kommen die ja wohl herab... Gruß, Thomas
2007/02/25 16:48 , Thomas Englert
Hi Thomas,

yes, almost all of these icicles can be climbed. If you are the first after some days you have to knock off the lower and thinner parts with your tools. The routes in this sector are mainly mixed climbing. You drytool on the rock, then after having climbed high enough you change your bodies position to get with your crampons into the ice. It's great fun! With some experience its safe enough. From the climber with the blue jacket you can see the rope to the top. This line was climbed quite straight upwards.

Regards -

- Daniel

N.B. It's interesting to see that some of these icicles aren't vertical. This is no stitching problem, but caused by the wind while the icicles grew.
2007/02/25 22:00 , Daniel Roth
what about the Yeti? 
2008/02/17 03:10 , Agostino Zamboni

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Daniel Roth

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