Rhone et Pont des Bergues   2514
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1 Quai Benzanson-Hugues
2 Jura Francais
3 Tour de l'Ile
4 Pont de la Machine
5 Einstiges Kraftwerk
6 Hotel des Bergues
7 Pont des Bergues
8 Ile Rousseau
9 Lac Leman Genfersee Lake Geneva
10 Jet d'Eau Fountain
11 Pont du Mont Blanc
12 Les Voirons (FR)
13 Quai Benzanson-Hugues


Location: Geneve (375 m)      by: Augustin Werner
Area: Switzerland      Date: 08 Octobre 2021
After my Carouge Riddle Pano I was surprised that there are hardly any panoramas from Geneve on this site, especially panoramas that capture 'mainstream' Geneve.

So here's view from the Rhone River, just a few hundred meters down river from the busy Pont du Mont Blanc, which marks the end of the lake.

River, Lake, Jet d'eau, Jura, Saleve, Cathedrale, some fancy hotels are typical features of Geneve... I tried to integrate some of them into this pano, while also having a reasonably attractive geometry and composition. And feature a few people, because without people there wouldn't be any cities...


Das graue Wetter und die Bewegung auf der Brücke machen es nicht leicht, ein Panorama aufzunehmen. Ich hätte kurz nach der Fontäne Schluss gemacht. Ansonsten wüsste ich nicht, was nach 21 Stunden nicht den ersten Zuspruch rechtfertigen würde.
2023/04/02 11:46 , Jörg Braukmann
Never been in the city (only at the airport), but this matches my expectations. Moderately attractive. Cheers, Martin
2023/04/04 19:21 , Martin Kraus

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Augustin Werner

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