In a work like this, one hits straight against one of the oldest and most debated philosophical problems of mankind, namely: Is this an AlpenPanorama or a PanoramaPhoto?
Without being very convinced, I opted for the latter solution in order to give to a future work of mine (the Forte Centrale di Tenda, seen from inside) a companion in the Umgebung.
Of this incredible, perhaps unique, border road, this acrobatic switchback has recently become the most photographed spot, and in a setting like this a drone is actually capable to do a wonderful job.
However, since neither I nor my bicycle are able to fly, this is the best that I can offer. Just search "tornante Boaria" for more advanced achievements.
Luckily, there is no philosophical question of comparable depth when one comes to ask: Are we in Italy or in France? Namely, for a 200-300 m we are definitely in Italy, since the road enters its French stretch right east of the Colle di Boaria. East is France... can this be right? Yes, it is. Actually, on the map here at the enclave of the Carsene Plateau you find one of the two sharpest corners of the F-I border, together with another in the vicinity of the Monviso.
Location: 44.166007 7.624679
Hans-Jürgen Bayer, Müller Björn, Peter Brandt, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Günter Diez, J. Engelhardt, Leonhard Huber, Martin Kraus, Dieter Leimkötter, Matthias Matthey, Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen, Danko Rihter, Christoph Seger, Björn Sothmann, Konrad Sus, Arjan Veldhuis, Jens Vischer, Benjamin Vogel
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