Friedhof mit Aussicht   4540
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1 Manarola
2 Cimitero di Manarola
3 Monterosso al Mare
4 Corniglia


Location: Manarola      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 9 August 2022
The Manarola cemetery is located in a very suggestive and panoramic place.
On the facade you can read the final verses of the poem Liguria by Vincenzo Cardarelli:
"O aperti ai venti e all’onde liguri cimiteri!
Una rosea tristezza vi colora
quando di sera, simile ad un fiore
che marcisce, la grande luce
si va sfacendo e muore."


Amazingly beautiful, and not the worst place to rest in peace ... reminds me a bit, when I captured my panorama #24623!

Cheers and good night, Hans-Jörg
2022/11/23 23:05 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
A very sensitive quote !
And yes the place is very beautiful, probably more for the bereaved.
2022/11/24 13:53 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Unfortunately, those spending the longest time here cannot appreciate the views - partly due to their condition, partly, because they seem to be forced to look to the inside. Cheers, Martin
2022/11/25 19:35 , Martin Kraus
It is strange, how our brain will tell what Martin says, and yet our hearts will promt us to place cemetarys like this. BR Jan.
2022/11/26 11:18 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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