Canale d'Agordo   51081
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1 Papa Luciani
2 Monte Alto di Pelsa, 2402
3 1972
4 Cima Pape, 2503
5 Direzione Gares


Location: Canale d'Agordo (978 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 14-09-2020
Canale d'Agordo is a nice village in its own, as the present 360° would have the ambition to show. However, it has become especially known as the birthplace of Albino Luciani, namely, Giovanni Paolo I, the Pope for 33 days.
A photo of the so-called "Pope of smile" is visible on the church. The underlying caption "He is here, with his teaching, with his example, with his smile", is taken from the sermon held in Canale by Karol Woytjla during his visit of 26-08-1979. That same days I saw the Polish Pope (who also visited the Marmolada during that travel) in Belluno: I was I child, and for me it was kind of a discovery to check that a Pope existed also in the reality, not only in television. To be even more convinced of this, I took a photo of him from a couple of metres, with my very first camera.
Much later I was also going to cycle to Wadowice, the birthplace of Giovanni Paolo II, but Canale has indeed the advantage that from there I can cycle home in one day (as I did here, through Passo Valles), which from Wadowice is hardly feasible.
Canale d'Agordo marks also the entrance to the Gares valley, which is an exquisite gateway to the less known (eastern) side of the Pale di San Martino.
A very comprehensive loop that can be made from Gares is recorded in this GPS track:

Location: 46.36070 11.91465


Der Platz ist nach einem Kirchenführer benannt. Es wird dabei der bürgerliche Name genutzt. Aus einem besonderen Grund. Nach der Auflösung verrate ich wie ich es gelöst habe ;-)
2021/01/04 20:11 , Christoph Seger
Den Grund 
kenne ich nicht. Der freundliche Herr lächelt aber von einem nicht zu übersehenden Plakat an der Kirche und erinnert mich an ein frommes Bildchen, das ich einst im Gesangbuch mit mir trug. Den Geburtsort des Herrn hatte ich nicht präsent, aber es gibt ja Tante Wikipedia.
2021/01/04 21:11 , Matthias Knapp
Nach den Hinweisen habe ich es auch gefunden. In die Gegend bin ich noch nicht gekommen. Wäre aber auch interessant in der Provinz Belluno. LG Niels
2021/01/05 08:04 , Niels Müller-Warmuth
Gut gemacht!
2021/01/05 09:57 , Dieter Leimkötter
Wieder was gelernt hier! Danke, Alberto!
2021/01/05 23:30 , Peter Brandt

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Pedrotti Alberto

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