Laguna di Orbetello   11164
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1 Maremma
2 Tombolo di Giannella
3 Laguna di ponente
4 (Monte Amiata, obscured by clouds...)
5 Poggio del Leccio
6 Orbetello
7 Laguna di levante
8 Tombolo di Feniglia
9 Ansedonia
10 Lago di Burano


Location: Croce monumentale dell'Argentario (500 m)      by: Alvise Bonaldo
Area: Italy      Date: 17.10.2020
Thanks to Hans-Jurgen Bayer I republish the pano without the awful black bar on the bottom. I beg everybody's pardon for the inexcusable mistake.

Tenditur in medias mons Argentarius undas / ancipitique iugo coerula curva premit (C. R. Namaziano).
Fuji X-E1 + XC 16-50
11 jpeg orizzontali a mano libera - lunghezza focale equivalente 55 mm
ISO 100, 1/250 sec., f/7.1


It was worth the effort Alvise. A very nice spot!
2020/10/23 15:27 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer

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Alvise Bonaldo

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