Reykjavik shoreline   3623
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Location: Reykjavik      by: TingSern Wong
Area: Iceland      Date: 6 July 2019
Not a perfect panorama - because it was handheld :-)


My panos are always hand-held. No reason for such a tilt.
2019/08/23 17:21 , Jörg Braukmann
That's because of the stitching of adjacent images (done by PTGUI PRO).
2019/08/23 17:39 , TingSern Wong
We all here upload only multiframe stitched panoramic pictures. You have to do a horizon correction. In addition it is likely that you have some control points in the foreground. This makes rectification complicated. I would suggest to start with a easier subject
Kind regards Christoph
2019/08/24 00:35 , Christoph Seger

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TingSern Wong

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