Renaissance   61336
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Location: Mantova, Basilica di Sant'Andrea (20 m)      by: Alvise Bonaldo
Area: Italy      Date: ??
Che chiesa è? Dove si trova?
Ammetto che la simmetria non è perfetta a causa di un "impedimento" proprio sotto la cupola - una vasca di cui si vede la balaustra all'estrema sinistra, dentro cui non si può accedere e che perciò impedisce di essere all'esatto nadir della cupola stessa. Tuttavia la chiesa merita di essere mostrata in tutto il suo fulgore. Vi do' un indizio: si tratta di un momento di snodo cruciale nella storia dell'architettura rinascimentale, soprattutto per la stupefacente facciata (che è rappresentata in tutti i testi di storia dell'arte). Un altro indizio: il progetto è di un grandissimo architetto di inizio Rinascimento, ma la chiesa fu finita molti secoli dopo con l'erezione della cupola principale ad opera di un altro artista.

Which church is it? Where?
I must admit that the symmetry isn't perfect due to an "impediment" just below the dome - a basin of which we can see the balustrade on the far left, which cannot be accessed and which therefore prevented me from being exactly at the nadir of the dome itself. However the church deserves to be shown in all its splendor. Let me give you a clue: this is a crucial moment in the history of Renaissance architecture, especially for the astonishing façade (which is represented in all the books of art history). Another clue: the project is by one of the greatest architects of the early Renaissance, but the church was finished a few centuries later with the erection of the main dome by another artist.


Saubere Arbeit. Gerade bei solchen Objekten fallen Stitchfehler sofort auf. In der Ausbelichtung sehe ich noch potential.

Zum Rätsel kann ich leider nichts beitragen, bin aber auf die Lösung gespannt.
2019/04/10 15:40 , Dieter Leimkötter
May I give a little hint? The second letter of the city is an "a".
2019/04/11 12:38 , Werner Schelberger
Werner is just on the right way... Although there are so many cities with second letter "a"!!! Another hint: kind of Italian "Interlaken"...
2019/04/11 16:24 , Alvise Bonaldo
Well done, Alvise - reminds me of my problems "to Esztergom" ;-) !!

Un caro saluto a te, Hans-Jörg
2019/04/11 18:19 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Okay, the last letter of the City is an "a" too. ;-)
2019/04/13 10:26 , Werner Schelberger
Not Parma, nor Catania, nor Matera... 
... But Mantova. A glorious town full of artistic masterpieces, thanks to Gonzaga's mecenatism. In Mantova the Italian Renaissance shows some of the most impressive examples: from the Basilica of Sant'Andrea (work of Leon Battista Alberti) to the Castle of St. George, in which we can admire the astonishing Camera degli Sposi painted by Mantegna. Not to mention the natural environment: the three lakes formed by the Mincio that surround it give the city an almost amphibious appearance.
Nearby Mantova also an immortal poet was born: Virgil, whose tomb in Naples bears the famous epitaph "Mantua me genuit".
2019/04/15 09:00 , Alvise Bonaldo

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Alvise Bonaldo

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