Alpi dal Monferrato   41650
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1 Becca di Moncorve', 3875m
2 Gran Paradiso, 4061m
3 Becca di Montandayne, 3838m
4 Monte Soglio, 1980m
5 Becca di Gay, 3621m
6 Roccia Viva, 3650m
7 Testa di Money, 3572m
8 Torre del Gran San Pietro, 3692m
9 Torre di Sant'Andrea, 3651m
10 Punte Patri', 3581m
11 Punta Gialin, 3270m
12 Punta di Sengie, 3408m
13 Roccia Azzurra, 3308m
14 Monveso di Forzo, 3322m
15 Punta di Forzo, 3296m
16 Punta di Tsesère, 3117m
17 Torre di Lavina, 3308m
18 Castagneto Po
19 Punta Tersiva, 3512m
20 Rosa dei Banchi, 3164m
21 Monte Giavino, 2766m
22 Punta Dondogna, 2550m
23 Monte Debat, 2623m
24 Monte Vallet, 2613m
25 Cima Bonze, 2516m
26 Orio Canavese
27 Les Jumeaux, 3872m
28 Dent d'Hérens, 4171m
29 Dent Blanche, 4357m
30 Cervino (Matterhorn), 4478m; 102,8Km
31 Candia Canavese
32 Monte Crabun, 2711m
33 Becca Torche', 3016m
34 Becca Vlou, 3032m
35 Gobba di Rolin, 3899m
36 Monte Voghel, 2925m
37 Breithorn, 4164m
38 Breithorn Centrale (Breithorn Mittelgipfel), 4160m
39 Breithornzwillinge, 4106m
40 Roccia Nera, 4075m
41 Polluce (Pollux), 4092m
42 Andrate
43 Castore (Castor), 4228m
44 Felikhorn, 4087m
45 Liskamm Occidentale, 4477m
46 Liskamm, 4527m
47 Mazze'
48 Corno Nero, 4321m
49 Ludwigshöhe, 4341m
50 Punta Giordani, 4046m
51 Punta Dufour (Dufourspitze), 4634m; 95,8Km
52 Punta Parrot (Parrotspitze), 4432m
53 Punta Zumstein (Zumsteinspitze), 4563
54 Punta Gnifetti (Signalkuppe), 4554m
55 Strahlhorn, 4190m
56 Monte Mucrone, 2335m
57 Castello di Masino
58 Monte Tovo, 2673m
59 Monte Tagliaferro, 2964m
60 Cima di Bo, 2555m
61 Cima dell'Asnas, 2040m


Location: Albugnano (549 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 25 January 2014
Albugnano is a comune in Piedmont, located about 20 kilometres east of Turin. it is called the "Balcony of the Monferrato", both for its altitude and for the vast panorama it offers from its Belvedere.


What an impressive Alpen-view! BR Jan.
2019/04/03 21:51 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
gorgeouse !!
2019/04/03 22:22 , Christoph Seger
Superb viewpoint. And great time of the year to present this with the accentuated snowline. Cheers, Martin
2019/04/04 19:24 , Martin Kraus
Eine traumhafte Aussicht.

Schade, das der Himmel besonders im Bereich um das Matterhorn deutliches Farbrauschen zeigt.
2019/04/05 14:00 , Dieter Leimkötter

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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