Classical Fitz Roy   62096
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1 Loma de las Pizarras. 1691
2 Punta Cristina
3 Aguja Saint-Exupéry, 2558
4 Aguja Rafael Juarez, 2483
6 Aguja Poincenot, 3002
7 Kakito
8 Glaciar Río Blanco
9 Brecha de los Italianos
10 Fitz Roy, 3405
11 Aguja Val Biois
12 Paso Superiór
13 Glaciar de los Tres
14 Aguja Mermoz, 2732
15 Punta Velluda
16 Aguja Guillaumet, 2579
17 Cerro Madsen, 1792
18 Castillo Negro, 2257
19 Cerro Eléctrico, 2159
20 Glaciar Piedras Blancas
21 Red Tower


Location: Laguna Capri (750 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Argentina      Date: 21-02-2014
Given the exceptionally poor interest of my last Fitz Roy taken from the hidden side, let me try to please the Betrachter with a view from the ordinary side!



The interest in Fitz Roy is definitely not poor!! I think the quality of your spectacular Patagonian panoramas seems to be too good for a rating, Alberto !!

For me it's a shame that many of your works have already reached the top 100, but you had to delete them ... now, after your reload they find themselves in the top 1000 again - that's life ... look at my assumption and the discussion to the "Venetian trilogy" in Giuseppe's #23543 ...

Nowadays the community often prefers to rate panoramas with obvious stitching errors and crooked horizons ... !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2018/08/05 00:07 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Alberto, better you don't fix the interest in a pano by the rating only.
There are several reasons for underrating, it's holiday season for example.
And there are some photographers wich are still active by showing their own works but almost never intersted in the other panos.
2018/08/05 10:56 , Steffen Minack
Eigentlich bewerte ich ein Panorama, das keine Labels hat, nicht. Aber bei diesem mache ich eine Ausnahme.
2018/08/05 11:49 , Heinz Höra
I think 
that the Whole PPh community should must thank you and Jens Vischer for showing us this incredible "end of the world", that the most of us (me for the first) will never see directly.
Speaking only about you two, in my opinion it is interesting to see how the same subject is represented in different ways according to the peculiar sensitivity and geographical interest. Also Jens has taken some panos from the same point from which you made this overview, but the results are very different - equally beautiful but different. In my opinion this makes the wealth of PPh, different "artistic" points of view for the same panorama.
Ciao, Alvise
2018/08/06 10:10 , Alvise Bonaldo
Much more interesting after adding the labels.
2018/08/07 16:59 , Jörg Braukmann
Landschaft und Pano - ein Traum! LG Alexander
2018/08/07 21:35 , Alexander Von Mackensen

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Pedrotti Alberto

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