Dresenza (Dre˛nica)   11861
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1 Veliki Vrh, 1764m
2 Cima Crassi (Krasji Vrh), 1768m
3 Jezerca
4 Drezniske Ravne
5 Vrsic, 1897m
6 Vrata, 2012m
7 (Krncica), 2142m
8 (Srednji vrh), 2134m
9 Monte Nero (Krn), 2244m
10 Dresenza (Dre˛nica)
11 Kozljak, 1587m
12 Planica, 1376m


Location: Dresenza (Dre˛nica)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Slovenia      Date: 30 April 2018
Due to its position, Dre˛nica is considered by some the most beautiful village in the Isonzo Valley and I am also of this opinion.


Frische Frühlingsfarben, gutes Licht.
2018/05/07 10:21 , Dieter Leimkötter

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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