This time the weather was not gracious   11580
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1 Lopien


Location: Mogielica (1170 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Poland      Date: 20.10.2017
I tried to catch last days of this year autumn with colors - but the weather wasn`t good, all day foggy. Mogielica is the tallest hill in Beskid Wyspowy (Islands Beskid) - why islands? - because in inversion weather isolate mountains looks like islands in sea of fog. At he summit there is a sight tower with great, wide view - but not today. AAscent to summit from Rydz Smigly Pass is about 1,5 hours of hike.


Nice autumn colors again. Could you please check what happened at the lower left part. Some trees looking woolly (blurred) there.
2017/10/22 11:55 , Steffen Minack

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Konrad Sus


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