Le Pont Neuf   32476
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1 Tour Saint-Jacques
2 Théâtre du Châtelet
3 Théâtre de la Ville (Sarah Bernhardt)
4 Hôtel de Ville
5 St Gervais St Protais
6 Conciergerie
7 Île de la Cité (west point)
8 Square du Vert-Galant
9 Sainte-Chapelle
10 Notre-Dame
11 Tour de Jussieu (Tour Zamansky)


Location: Paris (Pont des Arts)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: France      Date: 2 July 2016
The Pont Neuf, despite its name which means "new bridge", is the oldest bridge in Paris.

4 photos; 70mm (full format); f4; 0,62 sec.; 200 ISO; with tripod.


Vedo che dopo la parentesi Christo sei tornato a costruzioni solide!
2016/07/05 19:44 , Pedrotti Alberto
Beautiful night shot.
2016/07/05 20:46 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
I think you collect european bridges in the night :-)
Once more an amazing night-pano.
LG Jörg
2016/07/08 22:22 , Jörg Nitz

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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