Village Zab   33205
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1 Lodowy Szczyt
2 Koszysta
3 Kozi Wierch
4 Swinica
5 Kasprowy Wierch
6 Giewont
7 Czerwone Wierchy
8 Bystra
9 Starorobocianski Wierch
10 Kominiarski Wierch
11 Wolowiec
12 Trzy Kopy
13 Banowka
14 Spalona
15 Salatyn
16 Brestowa
17 Osobita
18 Babia Gora


Location: Zab (1013 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Poland      Date: 16.05.2015


Hi Konrad, beautiful Landscape but the Lanterns at the right should must be vertical.. What did you think about?

Greetings Seb
2015/05/24 12:47 , Sebastian Becher
You`re right, the house on right is not corret too, but I had camera with wide angle and I cant do antything about it.
2015/05/25 14:19 , Konrad Sus
Dear Konrad
Most of us use wide angle lenses then an when - this is not an excuse!

If you use a valid stitcher like hugin, you can do a lot against an uneven horizon. This is one of the most important things if you want to get a pano right.

Finally - I think you should change the country from Portugal to Poland.

Herzlichst Christoph
2015/05/25 20:00 , Christoph Seger

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Konrad Sus


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