Port of Valletta   33627
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1 Fort Saint Angelo
3 Inquisitor's Palace
4 Dockyard Creek
5 Annunciation Church
6 St. Lawrence's Church
7 St Philip's Church
9 French Creek


Location: Valletta      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Malta      Date: November 2014
The Port of Valletta was named for Jean Parisot de la Valette, head of the Hospitalers (or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem), who stopped advancing Ottomans in the 1565 Great Siege of Malta. In 1566, construction began on the first bastions for the new city of Valletta. The Order ruled for over two centuries until Napoleon came in 1798.
When the Maltese revolted against the Napoleon's French rule, the British seized it in 1800. The Port of Valletta became a British military and naval base.
With the departure of the British Military the harbour lost its military significance and is now one of the most charming places in Malta.
6 photos; 55 mm (full format); f4; 0,77 sec.; 250 ISO; with tripod.


A busy place - nicely shown in warm colours. VG HJ
2015/03/03 22:27 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Nice colours and scenery.
2015/03/04 20:40 , Peter Brandt
sehr schöne Nachtaufnahme eines mir wohl bekannten Platzes. LG Alexander
2015/03/07 21:55 , Alexander Von Mackensen

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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