Vysoke Tatry   23334
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1 Koncista
2 Popradsky L`adovy stit
3 Gerlach
4 Kotlovy stit
5 Kvetnicova veza
6 Vychodna Vysoka
7 Bradavica
8 Rohata veza
9 Granatova veza
10 Velicka Kopa
11 Vareskovy hrebien
12 Slavkovska Kopa
13 Slavkosky Stit


Location: Tatranska Polianka (1000 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Slovakia      Date: 28.02.2014


Nice portrait of the highest Tatra mountains. KR Wilfried
2014/10/01 10:16 , Wilfried Malz
Interesuja,ce zobaczyc´ obszarów les´nych i niz´sze stoki.
Interessant, auch die Waldbereiche und niederen Hänge zu sehen.
Interesting to see also the forest areas and lower slopes.
To pozdrawia Wolfgang
2014/10/07 23:06 , Wolfgang Bremer

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Konrad Sus


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