A journey into the eventful past of Eastern Anatolia   52687
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1 Modern day village of Ocakli
2 Caves from Urartu settlement
3 St. Gregory of Gagik
4 Ruins of city wall
5 Ruins of caravanserai
6 Menucer Mosque
7 Cathedral of Ani
8 The Church of the Redeemer (Surb Prkich)
9 Turkish border fence
10 The River Arkhurian
11 Ruins of Arkhourian bridge
12 Armenian border post
13 Leftovers from the ruined main fortress of Ani
14 Armenia


Location: Ani (1338 m)      by: Wolfgang Schmähling
Area: Turkey      Date: 21.08.2014
At first glimpse this may look just like a barren landscape with a few collapsed buildings. But looking closer you will find some amazing relics from the glorious past of this place.
The caves in the canyon walls are dating back to the kingdom of Urartu around 1000 BC.
In the 5th century AD Ani is mentioned as a fortress and in the 10th century it became the capitol of the Christian Armenian kingdom, with over 100000 people living there and hundreds of churches.
After being conquered by various enemies and an earthquake in 1319 the city lost it's importance and was finally deserted in the 18th century.
Today the river Akhurian is the border between Armenia and Turkey, the ruins being on the Turkish side. You can see the Turkish border fence close to the collapsed bridge on the left bank in the canyon and some Armenian border posts on the East side of the river.


Eigentümlich. LG Arno
2014/08/23 11:39 , Arno Bruckardt
Warum nicht breiter? Jeder Meter mehr befriedigt meine Neugierde!
Gruss Walter
2014/08/23 12:23 , Walter Schmidt
Ani ist ein sehr spezieller Platz in einer außergewöhnlichen Weltgegend. Ich hoffe es kommen noch Bilder mit etwas mehr Details von diesen ungewöhnlichen Kirchen. In welche Richtung geht der Blick? Die Schlucht ist die Grenze zu Armenien - richtig? Rechter Bildteil Armenien??
2014/08/23 13:17 , Christoph Seger
Bei einem solchen Motiv haette ich weniger Himmel gezeigt. Gefaellt mir trotzdem. VG Augustin
2014/08/24 02:09 , Augustin Werner
I've added a better description and some tags now. Christoph, you are right about Armenia!
There are lots of pictures from the churches in the web and a panorama from the city wall in Wikipedia, but I wanted to give an overview with the canyons and the vast sky above. My point of view wasn't accessible until recently, because the Turkish border guards loosened their restrictions, so I had to take this shot, even though I was close to a heat stroke in the scorching midday heat.
2014/08/24 10:33 , Wolfgang Schmähling

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Wolfgang Schmähling


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