Looking down to Velke Hincove Pleso   13275
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1 Mieguszowiecki Wolowiec/Mangusovsky Volovec 2228m
2 Mala Baszta/Mala basta - 2288m
3 Hincove Oka
4 Posrednia Baszta/Predna basta - 2374m
5 Szatan/Satan - 2422m
6 Male Hincove pleso
7 Zadnia Baszta/Zadna basta - 2379m
8 Wielka Capia Turnia/Velka Capie veza- 2364m
9 Hlinska Turnia/Hlinska veza - 2340m
10 Wielki Staw Hinczowy/Vel`ke Hincove pleso
11 Wielkie Solisko/Velke Solisko - 2413m
12 Szczyrbski Szczyt/Strbski stit - 2381m
13 Furkot/Furkotsky stit - 2404m
14 Hruby Wierch/Hruby vrch - 2428m
15 Gran Hrubego/Hrube (crest)
16 Koprowy Wierch/Koprovsky stit - 2363m


Aufnahmestandort: Mieguszowiecka Przelecz Pod Chlopkiem (2307 m)      Fotografiert von: Konrad Sus
Gebiet: Poland      Datum: 30.06.2007


Thank you!
I appreciate this China+Tatra coproduction.
My version
is totally opposite: taken from the other side, non-panoramic (I had not yet gone panoramic at the time - one reason more to return), and Japonese...
But I had also a cheap spare camera with me and, curiously enough, I took a photo of it right on the top of the Koprovsky!
03.03.2014 21:09 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Konrad Sus


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