The best viewpoint to Tatra Mountains   53342
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1 Przednie Jatki
2 Zadnie Jatki
3 Szalony Wierch
4 Maly Kiezmarski Szczyt
5 Placzliwa Skala
6 Durny Szczyt
7 Hawran
8 Nowy Wierch
9 Lodowy Szczyt
10 Muran
11 Swistowy Szczyt
12 Gerlach
13 Zadni Gerlach
14 Szeroka Jaworzynska
15 Ganek
16 Wysoka
17 Mlynarz
18 Rysy
19 Niznie Rysy
20 Wolowa Turnia
21 Mieguszowiecki Szczyt Czarny
22 Mieguszowiecki Szczyt Posredni
23 Mieguszowiecki Szczyt Wielki
24 Cubryna
25 Mnich
26 Opalony Wierch
27 Miedziane
28 Woloszyn
29 Wielka Koszysta
30 Mala Koszysta
31 Swinica
32 Zolta Turnia
33 Posrednia Turnia
34 Skrajna Turnia
35 Beskid
36 Kasprowy Wierch
37 Suchy Wierch Kondracki
38 Kopa Kondracka
39 Malolaczniak
40 Ciemniak
41 Giewont
42 Twardy Uplaz
43 Ostry Rohacz
44 Wolowiec
45 Trzy Kopy
46 Hruba Kopa
47 Kominiasrki Wierch
48 Spalona
49 Salatyn
50 Bobrowiec
51 Brestowa
52 Osobita


Location: Nad Lapszanka Pass (934 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Poland      Date: 28 XI 2009


There could be improvements, indeed, but it seems to me that this aspect becomes secondary when evaluating the grandeur and importance of the subject, that we can appreciate maybe for the first time here from an adequate standpoint. My N.7002 looks indeed very poor in comparison.
I find also the heavy autumn atmosphere very valuable.
Little remark: in one month you showed us Tatra from N, Tatra from S, Tatra from above, Little Tatra, Velebit and Komovi... Had we in action not only one, but four or five photographers like you, I think that unknown and/or neglected mountains of Europe would soon become less unknown and/or neglected!
2013/11/15 17:36 , Pedrotti Alberto
of course it is part of the Carpathian mountains but the Tatra is by itself probably one of the shortest ridges (only 40 km long) in the world. Nice document, is it a tele picture?
2013/11/15 18:01 , Mentor Depret
Thanks for every post. Yes, this photo was taken in zoom. I`m not professional photographer, that`s why my photograph`s aren`t perfect technically. My gear isnt`t proffesional, only compact digital camera without any tripod, all my photos was made from "hand". Its my choice, because bigger camera is trouble in higher mountains. I have many panoramas - from Slovakia, Poland, Montenegro or Croatia. I will add it succesively.
With this photo I do nothing with edition, as you see, conditions wasn`t perfect, without any light, cloudy sky, not clear air.
2013/11/15 20:50 , Konrad Sus
Hallo Konrad. Like my colleagues I think it is a fantastic view, and the sharpness is good.

I also think you can improve. You don't need a tripod or heavy gear, just a stitcher like Hugin/PTgui/Auto-pano + free software IrfanView/GIMP. Then you can place control points far away, and remove control points close by. Then it is easy to correct the horizon. Also you can easily take out any massive colour cast the pano might have. Here the horizon seems ok, but a little too much blue/magenta? KR Jan.
2013/11/24 20:18 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Jan, maybe you`re right, but sometimes, when I doing something with my photos (My photo editor is ACDSee), the result is worst, than original. That was in this case, that`s why I prefer leave it, like it is.
2013/11/27 16:13 , Konrad Sus

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Konrad Sus


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