From a remote Mongolian valley   93381
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Location: Tsaatan camp (2160 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Mongolia      Date: 07-08-2011
I am working hard on the task of clearing the queue of old panoramas waiting for publication, but this queue seems to be deceivingly increasing rather than shortening...
Here is yet another panorama of the Tsaatan land, under its typical weather conditions.
13 vertical shots, zoom 16-85, 46mm (x1.5), 1/125 sec, f/11.


A bit of a shame, that there are a few stars, but no comments yet to this highly interesting pano - however, this is surely a not very popular area, and sometimes response goes by popularity. Cheers, Martin
2013/08/10 11:21 , Martin Kraus
There is no shame. Alberto almost never gives any comments (without to his own panos); so why should others give comments to his ones?
2013/08/10 11:25 , Jörg Nitz
I do not see a problem here 
Alberto did present the camp already earlier so it was already known to most of us. For me not commenting on this nice view has nothing to do with his communication or non-communication on pictures of other pp fellows. I think not interacting with others can have some advantages in this tiny, tiny community.

Jörg ... be aware, that (for me) ideally giving and taking is an asymmetrical issue - both in commenting and voting. Stricherllisten führen ist OUT!
2013/08/10 12:07 , Christoph Seger
Christoph, ich führe natürlich keine Listen. Nur wer sich (nahezu) überhaupt nicht beteiligt und sich ständig nur in seinen eigenen zweifelsohne Superpanos sonnt ;-), muss sich m.E. nicht wundern. Ungleichgewichte bei der Kommentierung sind normal, aber gar nicht Beteiligen ist etwas anderes.
LG Jörg
2013/08/10 12:18 , Jörg Nitz
Ich denke Martin K. und nicht Alberto P. hat sich gewundert .....
2013/08/10 12:25 , Christoph Seger
The discussion that I read here makes me truly wonder!
Form the Bosnian keyboard at which I am sitting I can answer only in English, and quickly.
I think that every person is different and has his own way of reasoning. For example, mine on the topic is: Why to add a comment when with the rating I have already proven to have considered the picture, read its text, and found the whole interesting?
In the case when I had some specific question to pose or some aspect to point out, I think to have always done this. What I never do is to add one-word comments like: Super, Beautiful, Interesting or the like. For me, that is already written in the stars - which, incidentally, I believe to distribute with absolutely no prejudice towards particular places, subjects and/or authors.
Yes, if one looks at the overall number of "Comments given" mine can indeed be low, but please... basing statistics only on numbers is almost never serious. So: take somebody with ten times my comments, subtract all the "exclamation" ones and then tell me: do you see so large a difference? With the notable exception of some people that, yes, have a particular capability to catch aspects/details that I am simply not able to spot out, even in my own pictures!
Similarly, there are the people who can afford to give comments/hints on technical respects: this is surely not my case - at least, not yet!
Another point. Do not believe that I spare the comments to save time. If you look at the length of more than one of my accompanying texts, you will not have the picture of somebody who writes watching the clock. Moreover, do not think that I add them as a sort of self-glorification: take any one of them, and check that they only aim to "glorify" their location and/or subject, or more neutrally to convey information about it.
Some others are very short, of course, but the underlying principle is the same: Why to add words if they do not add any real *information* to the picture?
Incidentally: also *not* commenting can be informative!! Take the privacy/piety issue raised in my Fes cemetery picture. I did not even answer, why? It seems evident to me that if I upload the picture, I find it OK also in these highly sensible respects. So, also in this case, a comment would simply repeat what the picture (or, in this case, even its simple being-there) already says.
Cheers, Alberto.
2013/08/14 14:43 , Pedrotti Alberto
Hi Alberto!
Great answer, I completely agree ...
2013/08/14 14:58 , Christoph Seger
Best that I could do on this keyboard...
But incidentally it is German, not English, that has saved me on the most remote hills south of Prijedor. Namely, a lot of people from there work in Austria (Graz, Spittal an der Drau), and are now in Bosnia for a short vacation, sometimes only 15 days.
2013/08/14 15:16 , Pedrotti Alberto
As I started this - a brief comment: My intent was to distinguish true interest and appreciation from collection of stars. I currently find it difficult to express this in more detail without kicking off a new discussion on rating and ranking - which I don't feel will be useful anymore. I agree with Alberto on the one-word comments. Cheers, Martin
2013/08/14 20:24 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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