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1 3452 (Border with Russia)
2 Gers
3 Horse
4 Islamic cemetery
5 2480
6 3083
7 2288
8 To Khukh Khutul


Aufnahmestandort: East of Khukh-Khutul (2153 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Mongolia      Datum: 24-08-2011
We were leaving the Tavan Bogd with our Uaz (first m.o.t.), when we stopped few minutes to take some picture, near to a motorcycle parked in the middle of the nowhere (second m.o.t.), apparently with no owner all around.
After few seconds, in the shadow we saw a horse (third m.o.t., but out of question the most important in Mongolia) coming to us from a ger in the valley. It carried three curious children, who simply wanted to see who was passing by. How many vehicles will they see in a day - or better, how many days will they wait in order to see the next vehicle?

22 horizontal shots, zoom 70-300, 70 mm (x1.5), 1/125 sec, f/18, ISO 100.


For me personally m.o.t. is a magneto-optical trap but what is a UAZ - a Uljanowski Awtomobilny Sawod Jeep ??
21.07.2013 22:21 , Christoph Seger
Sehr klare und plastische Aufnahme. LG Fried
22.07.2013 06:34 , Friedemann Dittrich
There is one and only one Uaz model in Mongolia:
Mot: so is with three-letter acronyms and/or filename extensions: nearly everyday one discovers some new invention, but since there are only 26^3 choices available, sooner or later some conflict is also detected!
So tricky is the life of a word - or mot, as a French would say...
22.07.2013 12:15 , Pedrotti Alberto
26^3 without points? But the panorama is very beautiful.
23.07.2013 20:14 , Heinz Höra
Well, if for some reason you don't like 26^3, you can go alphanumeric, whence the number of choices becomes 36^3, but then be careful, because among the 36^3 = 6^6 legal extensions you are introducing objects like the Beast 666!!
[Incidentally, remembering that you are interested in mountaineering history: If you want to see how curiously the 666 acted in it, try to google, for example, "k2 crowley knowles pistol"]
24.07.2013 01:27 , Pedrotti Alberto
24.07.2013 06:05 , Christoph Seger
Once more a landsape that truly deserves the wide panoramic format to show its full splendour. Underrated. Cheers, Martin
10.08.2013 10:59 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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