Darkness falls on the ruined mosque   23226
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Location: Kasbah of Amjouj (1164 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Morocco      Date: 28-03-2012
Amjouj is a wonderful Berber village, unknown to tourism (which nowadays is quite invariably mass tourism) and far from any commodity. Light comes only from candles or gas, no electric power here, and donkeys are the unique means or transportation of both goods and people. The village, now populated by no more than twenty families, features a large kasbah, which - however ruined - still hosts an inhabitant: I could see the huge lock protecting his door. The highlight of the place, however, is the ruined mosque, where one still sees remains of the original carpets.
Darkness falls with such speed in this season, that to come out of the labyrinth of the ruined kasbah I needed the help of the GPS.
Four shots, set together in spherical projection. Maybe Allah is still mighty in the place since, even working handfree, I had no parallax problems in the stitching, and this with my extreme surprise... Actually, on the place I even thought to forbid myself to take the shots, thinking: how much precious time will I then lose at home attempting to patch lots of errors??


A very unusually one!
2013/04/03 21:44 , Danko Rihter
Tank you!
2013/05/02 14:21 , Sj Jamali

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Pedrotti Alberto

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