Grace Lake   32923
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1 Grace Lake
2 La Cloche Mountains


Location: Killarney Provincial Park (260 m)      by: Augustin Werner
Area: Canada      Date: 07-Aug-2012
When we reached Grace Lake on this grey summerday we found it so beautiful that we decided to to go back to two days later when the weather was supposed to be nicer. However I still prefer the photos from our first visit!

Stitched from 10 Portrait shaped Photos taken with Canon G11.
RAW > DPP > PTGui > Gimp

More Info from Wikipedia:
The origin of the park is owed to the conservation efforts of artists. Canadian Group of Seven artist A. Y. Jackson was so alarmed by the prospect that Trout Lake (now O.S.A. Lake) was about to be logged that he petitioned the Provincial government of the day to have it preserved. His letter was received by Mr. Finlayson, then the Minister of Lands and Forests, and his effort was successful. The lake was taken into trust by the Ontario Society of Artists and its name was changed to O.S.A. Lake. Jackson's efforts were rewarded with the naming of a lake after him on his 90th birthday The hills and lakes in the Killarney area became a popular place for painting and sketching and over the years several other members of the Group of Seven worked there including Franklin Carmichael, Arthur Lismer and A. J. Casson. In 1959 the Killarney Park area was set aside as a wilderness preserve. In 1962 Highway 637 opened, connecting the north shore of Georgian Bay all the way from the town of Killarney to the Trans-Canada Highway. Finally in 1964, with the help of lobbying efforts by the Group of Seven, 4,000 square miles (10,000 km2) of Georgian Bay shoreline were set aside as a wilderness reserve, and Killarney became a provincial park.

The park has experienced some challenges that threaten the health of its delicate local ecosystems. Owing in large part to its proximity to Sudbury with its nickel mines and smelters, local lakes were damaged by acid rain. Pollution caused by the smelting activities associated with nickel mining between the 1940s and the 1970s, caused many of Killarney's lakes to become acidified, resulting in the loss of fish species, algae and aquatic plant life in many of the lakes. This damage was especially severe in the quartzite areas. Legislation passed in the 1970s forced the industry to improve its emissions standards. Since then, sulphur emissions have been reduced by over 90 percent. To date, water quality has improved in some lakes to pre-pollution levels, while in other lakes the slow process of biological recovery continues. More recently, the lakes have been under threat from non-indigenous invasive species such as the Bythotrephes longimanus (a.k.a. spiny water flea), which threaten local species.


Hallo Augustin. I like the endless feeling from these "schärengarten"-lakes. Are you enjoying particular parts of the fauna when you are out here, or just relaxing? LG Jan.
2013/03/15 18:44 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
In der Bildmitte habe ich noch einen Indianer im Kanu erspäht!
Sicher ein Blow up für Dein schönes Pano.
Gruss Walter
2013/03/17 00:38 , Walter Schmidt
@ Jan, I don't really remember seeing any animals there, but we were simply enjoying the beauty of the overall scenery during our family vacation.
Outside the park boundaries fishing is very popular.

Getting here from here from Toronto takes about six hours of driving, then half an hour on a little motor boat and half an hour walk.

@ Walter - als wir zwei Tage spaeter zurueckkamen konnten wir auch mit einem Kanu auf's Wasser und fanden es nicht ganz so entspannend, einfach und ruhig, wie es hier aussieht!
2013/03/17 02:32 , Augustin Werner

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Augustin Werner

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