La Basilica di Superga   32989
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Location: Torino (Superga) (670 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 2 February 2013
The Basilica of Superga is a church in the vicinity of Turin, at the top of the hill of Superga (670 meters). It was built from 1717 to 1731 for Victor Amadeus II of Savoy by Filippo Juvarra, to fulfill a vow the duke (and future King of Sardinia) had made during the Battle of Turin.

From the church you can enjoy a splendid panoramic view of Turin and the Western Alps, which is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful Italian views. Of course it is necessary that the sky is clear...

There are 3 photos; 24 mm (full format); f4; 1/4 sec.; ISO 400; with tripod.


An exemplary night shot ! VG HJ
2013/02/07 22:58 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Yes, and a shame that it isn't lit all the way round. KR Jan.
2013/02/08 17:31 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Hi Giuseppe,
Clearly with high-contrast and nice colors,

Best Regards,

2013/02/08 21:10 , Christian Hönig

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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