Mirages   33074
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1 Kandel 1214m


Location: Grand Ballon (1370 m)      by: Cavalier Jean-Yves
Area: France      Date: 14/11/2012
A few minutes after pano #11708, coming down from Grand Ballon, I saw these mirages on the horizon above the clouds recovering Alsace plain.
10 pictures without tripod, 200mm f/7.1 1/1000s ISO200 8h31 with polarizing filter


Bien observé. Il s'agit là des effets de la réfraction à l'endroit de transition entre des couches d'air de température différente.
2012/11/22 16:42 , Wilfried Malz
I also think, that this refraction effect due to the temperature inversion is fascinating !
2012/11/22 18:04 , Christoph Seger
Great documentation of this optical effect, very interesting. Cheers, Martin
2012/11/22 18:49 , Martin Kraus

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Cavalier Jean-Yves

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