Taqah Panorama   92228
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Aufnahmestandort: Taqah, Salalah      Fotografiert von: Faizan Rashid
Gebiet: Oman      Datum: July 2nd 2010
The locality of Taqah, part of old Salalah, with a picturesque view of its sea facing houses and the spectacular sights of waves crashing on the shore.


...great and interesting pano with very nice colours. Unfortunately there are 2 huge stitching bugs:

a) The power supply line at the right edge at building in the front. This stitching bug continues up to the top of the pano
b) Above the building with the flag: The horizon is very bended...

Please also remove the black frame, it´s better for the resoltion...

06.07.2010 14:58 , Jörg Engelhardt
Hi Jorg,

Thanks for taking out the time to view and comment on my picture. Regarding the two bugs that you speak of, I went back and double checked the original images themselves and that is how they appear, it is not a blending error. The telephone poles are in fact crooked and the horizon actually does appear to be bent.

Btw...I looked at some of your Pano's and love the one titled "Mooslandschaft", it is quite stunning!
06.07.2010 22:08 , Faizan Rashid
...thank you - my "Mooslandschaft" is a completly opposed landscape than your home. So I´m interested in to see more of your country in your panos!

And have a look at the tower of the minaret... isn´t it bended to the right ??

06.07.2010 23:09 , Jörg Engelhardt
Welcome ...

you present a wonderful first panoramic picture.
The colours are very impressive.
What humidity-level and which temperature do you have there?

Please remove the black frame. It's better for the resoultion.

I am looking forward for more picture from your home.

08.07.2010 06:53 , Jochen Gerlach
Jochen, Thanks for your comments.

The temperature on that day was about 29-30 Degrees Celsius and the humidity was apparently in between 60-70%. It was not hot per se, but I was swetting after some time considering how humid it was.

Salalah is not my home town - that would actually be Dubai, UAE :)

I was visiting Salalah during this period and took these wonderful photos there. More from Dubai soon hopefully. Also, I will take your advice and remove the frames shortly.
08.07.2010 09:54 , Faizan Rashid
....w/o frame - now 4 stars...

08.07.2010 12:00 , Jörg Engelhardt

Thanks...appreciate it :)
08.07.2010 22:35 , Faizan Rashid
Very interesting view, **** for that and for adding another region of the world to this site. The horizon is still not quite straight and bends to the right. Furthermore, could you link the place please ("Edit Panorama" and add corrdinates, or simply locate with Google Maps link provided there). Regards, Martin
10.07.2010 16:54 , Martin Kraus
In spite of the visible "errors", I enjoy this panorama with its extraordinary colours!
11.07.2010 12:03 , Werner Schelberger

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Faizan Rashid

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