Ulvsund late evening   81733
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1 Kalvehave
2 Nyord island, 6 km
3 Stevns peninsula 47 m, 36 km
4 Ulvsund
5 Ulvshale forest, 8 km
6 Lindholm island, 4 km
7 Stege Bugt
8 M Ø N
9 Aborrebjerg 143 m, 33 km
10 Stege, 7 km
11 Koster Land
12 Kostervig
13 M Ø N
14 Borren 33 m, 2 km
15 Falster island, 13 km
16 Bogø, 9 km
17 Tærø, 6 km
18 Farø Bridge, 13 km
19 Langø, 2-3 km
20 Ulvsund
21 Skovhuse Skov 96 m, 8 km


Aufnahmestandort: Dronning Alexandrines Bro (26 m)      Fotografiert von: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Gebiet: Denmark      Datum: 2017-05-27, 21:35
Again a pano from the Dronning Alexandrines Bridge, when it was possible to outmask it, and from the same day as #29167. This time it was done just after the sunset, and the had day turned out to be wonderfully clear. The view stretches from Stevns peninsula in the north, via the straits and islets, to the main islands of Møn and Falster. 2 upcoming telepanos will give a detailed view in either direction.

Pano made from 20 pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-500, f/5, 1/200 sec, developed in Canon DPP (cloudy, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scale and sharpness in Irfanview.


Sehr schön!
01.06.2021 21:46 , Arne Rönsch
Wunderbar ruhige Abendstimmung.
02.06.2021 07:52 , Friedemann Dittrich
Wheter morning or evening this place guarantees a great atmosphere.
02.06.2021 15:01 , Silas S
Dronning and drones 
This time I don't fall for it. Great show! Looks lifted.
02.06.2021 16:28 , Jörg Braukmann
Wo sind denn die Reste der Königin-Alexandrine-Brücke, Jan? 
Erst bei diesem Panorama ist mir so richtig bewußt geworden, daß man weder auf der Nord- noch auf der Südseite etwas von der Brücke sieht. Jan, daß Deine Ausmaskierungen so weit gehen, hatte ich nicht gedacht, wohl weil sie so gut gelungen sind.
Nachdem ich mir dann Bilder von dieser schönen Brücke bei Google Maps angeschaut hatte und bei Wikipedia gelesen hatte, wie es 1943 während der deutschen Besatzung zu ihrem Bau kam, kam ich mir erst etwas übertölpelt vor.
04.06.2021 14:02 , Heinz Höra
Heinz, remember that only one end is outmasked. The pano is missing appr. 10 degrees from being a 360; the last insignificant part would have included the bridge, although I would have masked that out also. To the far right is a small clue of the northern anchoring block.

The outmasking was possible because I could lean out over the sides, giving overlaps. Normally the sides are higher fenced, and crossing the bridgeroad is prohibited, but thanks to the repairs, this was a period of partly stripped elements. The concrete had been changed in two steps; first one side of the road, then the next side. Then also some concrete repairs of the underside, and also refitting and reinforcing some steel elements. This was done over a very long period; some times the bridge was closed, most of the time only one lane was in use. Mainwork done 2012-2016, and shorter repairs 2017-2018.

Like this for a long time: https://sn.dk/Vordingborg/Moenbroen-atter-ramt-af-vejarbejde-i-to-uger/artikel/746582

Doing this: https://mth.dk/Vores-Projekter/Moenbroen

On this day it was closed, but I parked on the Sjælland side, and sneaked/walked up early morning and late evening. All the sheds and signposts etc had been removed, so the outmasking became very clean. I only had to mask the road itself.
04.06.2021 21:02 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Fantastic light on the water.
LG Jörg
05.06.2021 14:13 , Jörg Nitz
What a light...
11.06.2021 20:44 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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