A special day at the castle of Somoskö ...   32123
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1 Salgó Castle 580m
2 Somoskö
3 Purga 575m - 29km
4 Hármashatár-Hegy 570m
5 Nagy-Rudásca 494m
6 Kercseg-Tetö 502m - 6km
7 Karancs 725m
8 Somoskö Castle


Location: Hrad Šomoška / Somoskö vár / Burg Somoskö / slowakisch-ungarische Grenze (478 m)      by: Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Area: Slovakia      Date: 22.08.2019
This panorama is dedicated to my Hungarian friend Zoltán G., who guided us through his home region of Salgótarján on the afternoon of 22. August - heartfelt thanks, dear Zoltán!!

Šomoška Castle is unique among the Slovak castles as it is built of unconventional hexagonal basalt pillars. It was probably built in the later half of the 13th century after the Tartar invasion. After suppression of the Rákoczis rebellion, the Emperor had pulled down several castles, but Šomoška was spared. However, it gradually decayed and the last tower burnt in 1826 when a lighting struck it. In 1972 extensive conservation and partial reconstruction saved the castle before its total destruction. Currently Šomoška is declared as National Natural Reservation (text from the information board at the entrance of the castle).

The highlight was - beside this wonderful view from the historical Šomoška Castle and the visit of the basalt rocks - a private audience in the shoe museum of the former Hungarian champion in the triple jump János A., who - for many years - organized an annual high jump and pole vault meeting, directly in front of the scenery of this beautifully situated castle in Somoskö. Well-known names like Sotomayor, Kostadinova, Bubka and Isinbayeva provided for a top-class international high jump and pole vault meeting. And of many of these legends of athletics there was an original pair of shoes in the glass cabinets. I was as proud as a "honey cake horse" ;-) when the cabinet was opened for me and I held the shoes of Usain Bolt for few minutes in my hands. The original shoes with which he won several gold medals at the Olympics in London in 2012! Unfortunately there is no panorama of it ;-) ...

For more information for those who are interested, here is a link:

Information about the castle here:

After a short break I am really happy that I can present some other impressions than just boring Hebridean panoramas ;-) - does anyone know which location I visited last Thursday?

Ein interessanter Standort, schwieriges Gelände (für mich), aber als schnelles Sonntagsrätsel mE geeignet - wo habe ich das am vergangenen Donnerstag aufgenommen?

Nikon D500, AF-S Nikkor VR 16-85mm - 16 HF-Bilder, freihand
Blende: f/10
Belichtung: 1/200
Brennweite: ca. 33mm KB wegen Crop und unterschiedlicher Standorte
ISO: 100


Unverkennbarer Turm: Mal wieder fix nach Ungarn :-) Burg ....sk.
2019/08/25 12:48 , Jörg Nitz
"Glänzendes" Fleckchen ;-)

LG Werner
2019/08/25 13:21 , Werner Schelberger
Das ging ja fix, mit der Standortbestimmung - ja, ich war wieder in Ungarn, auch wenn die Burg, wie von Jörg N. mit Ort und Land verschlüsselt niedergeschrieben nicht in Ungarn liegt ;-) !!! Morgen dann die offizielle Auflösung - hatte unmittelbar nach Einstellen des Rätsels Internetausfall und so auch nicht die Möglichkeit die Werke der vergangenen Tage zu würdigen ... wird aber die nächsten Tage nachgeholt ...

Herzliche Grüße und einen guten Start in die neue Woche, Hans-Jörg
2019/08/25 22:34 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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