Uttarkashi in monsoon mood   13579
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Aufnahmestandort: Uttarkshi (1352 m)      Fotografiert von: Wolfgang Schmähling
Gebiet: India      Datum: 2.7.2008
Further up the Ganga from Rishikesh is the little district capital of Uttarkashi. The river is here actually called Bhagirathi, but is really the upper part of the Ganga. After a stormy and wet night the river has turned into a wild and noisy torrent. For the travellers this means mostly delays, because the narrow mountain roads are getting blocked easily by landslides and water, gushing down from the hills.


weal and woe, to make the best of it, that's successful. Regards christian
04.08.2008 00:09 , Christian Hönig

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Wolfgang Schmähling


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