View to Trollaskagi and Skagaströnd peninsulas   4892
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1 Mánárfjall 648 m, 113 km
2 Illviðrishnjúkur 896 m, 114 km
3 Hákambar 847 m, 114 km
4 Allmenningshnakki 926 m, 117 km
5 (Cloud...)
6 Skagaströnd, 56 km
7 Grænuvallahnjúkur 903 m, 120 km
8 Neshyrna 685 m, 104 km
9 Ljótsstaðafjall 734 m, 101 km
10 Ennishnjúkur 786 m, 106 km
11 Fjallsöxl 609 m, 60 km
12 Katlafjall 700 m, 62 km
13 Spákonufellsborg 639 m, 62 km
14 Illviðrishnjúkur 707 m, 65 km
15 Hörfell 659 m, 67 km
16 Illviðrishnjúkur 961 m (summit in clouds), 83 km
17 Reykjaneshyrna 330 m, 6 km


Aufnahmestandort: Krossneslaug (80 m)      Fotografiert von: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Gebiet: Iceland      Datum: 2022-07-08, 16:39
The Northwestern Fjords are bordered to the east by the large bay Húnaflói. Further east, the peninsulas of first Skagaströnd, and then Trollaskagi, protrude north.

On this day, we walked around the Krossnes area. Most importantly, we saw a family of Polar foxes, with 4 cubs! New species for me. As hinted earlier, I kept an eye on the far view, and made severel series, but it wasn't until late in the afternoon that the maximum extend of the view showed. The view went unhindered to the Trollskagi peninsula, which was great to witness. Later, I tried again closer to Djúpavík, but Trollaskagi had disappeared.

As one can see, both peninsulas has the "skag-" element in their names, which is the same as Skagen in Denmark. The word means "to protrude", and is also found in the nordic bird name for Magpie (Pica pica), Skade/Skata/Skate, da/sw/no respectively. It is of course referring to the long tail, often pointing upwards.

Pano made from 18 pics (RAW), 70-200mm@200mm, iso-100, f/9, 1/500 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Clear skies, far views, and a grand scenery. What a lucky day. Cheers, Martin
02.02.2023 19:18 , Martin Kraus
Another great landscape scene for an overnight stop ... and a weather at its best !!! LG Hans-Jörg
02.02.2023 22:16 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
That's a great far view to the fjells around Siglufjörður, which was our most northerly point. Cheers Peter
02.02.2023 22:35 , Peter Brandt
Thank you for taking care of informative labeling.
03.02.2023 14:34 , Jörg Braukmann

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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