Blick zur Y-Burg   43707
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1 Korber Kopf
2 Beinstein
3 Korb
4 Hörnleskopf
5 Kleinheppach
6 Kleinheppacher Kopf
7 Endersbach
8 Großheppach
9 Buoch
10 Grunbach
11 Kernen-Stetten
12 Beutelsbach
13 Schützenhütte
14 Schönbühl
15 Karlstein
16 Y-Burg
17 Sieben Linden
18 Steinäcker
19 Tor ins Remstal


Location: Kernen-Stetten (Rems-Murr-Kreis) (360 m)      by: Jens Vischer
Area: Germany      Date: 15.03.2012
Blick über den Kernener Ortsteil Stetten und die darüber liegende Ruine der Y-Burg (die heißt wirklich so). Noch sind die Weinberge im Remstal kahl, aber man kann unschwer erkennen, dass jetzt wieder der Frühling beginnt.

Das Panorama besteht aus 9 QF Aufnahmen, F13, ISO100, 1/160, 41mm (66)
Reload mit besserer Schärfe (September 2012)


Als Pfalz geborener ist es immer wieder schoen ein paar Weinberge zu sehen - auch wenn es im Schwabenlaendle ist ;-)
Das selbe noch mal als Jahresstudie in den verschiedenen Jahreszeiten und ich koennte mich fast wieder zurueck zu Hause fuehlen!!
2012/03/16 22:07 , Barcud Revnik
Hello Jens. In generel I think you are good at finding motifs, but sometimes I think your panos could use a little contrats and sharpness. This one is ok. I wondered if all your panos are done with the canon 450D, or if you also use a compact? Your pano #5985 I think it is just perfect in style. LG Jan.
2012/03/19 22:47 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Hey Jan, sorry for answering so late but I was off for a little vacation last week.

Thanks a lot for your comment. Most of my pictures are made with the 450D, except a few of the older ones. The sharpness issue is probably more a problem with the downsizing of the picture than with the camera, because the originals usually look quite good.

I will try to find better ways to solve this, tips & tricks are always welcome.
2012/03/26 07:31 , Jens Vischer
Hello Jens. I use IrfanView (free download). Hans-Jürgen Bayer wrote an instruction at one of my first panos, #8415, using either GIMP or IrfanView (both free). In Irfanview open your pano as TIFF (best) or JPG. Click "Image", click "Resize/resample" and make 500 pixels as new height. Click "OK". Then you click "Image" again, and click "sharpen". Your pano should now be fine. Then you click "File" and click "Save as". Make up a name, and choose JPG as format. A window pops up to the right, where you can choose the quality. Start with 100%, save, and check the file-size. If it is too large (probably is), then go down one procent at a time. Usually around 96-98% will do. LG Jan.
2012/03/26 15:36 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jens Vischer


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