A Tsaatan rainbow   43571
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1 Border ridge MNG-RUS
2 Big waterfall (hidden)
3 Tsaatan camp
4 Urg-Kzerkhin Gol


Location: Vicinity of the camp (2600 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Mongolia      Date: 07-08-2011
There were strange rumors at the Tsaatan camp of #9025 about leaving the place to walk around:
1) if you walked more than 20 min past the camp towards the border, you could meet Russian guards asking incredible amounts of money against the threat of carrying you to jail;
2) Russian planes were seen at times flying low on the mountains to patrol the border.
Not convinced by these stories, when one afternoon it stopped to rain, I decided to head off for a mountain in front of the camp. I was rewarded with this rainbow hanging upon the valley where we had walked that morning.
As I got to know in another camp, all these stories were invented. Invented to such an extent that it was reported how a whole American team had crossed illegally the border to go fishing inside Russian territory. Moreover, during the night thieves had come from Russia, they had stolen six horses and fled beyond the border without any annoyance.
The Russian border is perhaps a bit too long to be effectively controlled!


eine wunderschöne Landschaft! Nur fehlt mir hier etwas die Schärfe. Besonders im Vordergrund das Gras wirkt irgendwie vermatscht.

2012/02/10 08:53 , Stephan Messner
A little bit more sharpness could be good but this is such a great Landscape!
2012/02/10 11:37 , Sebastian Becher
Io ci vedo un temporale e un bellissimo arcobaleno che rende speciale il panorama!
2012/02/10 16:16 , Beatrice Zanon
(Stephan) Ich danke für die Bemerkung, jetzt habe ich eine neue Version aufgeladen, hoffentlich ein wenig besser - obwohl sehr weit von perfekt!
Auf Panoramio das gleiche Foto mit 2000 Pixel Höhe: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/66503761
(Beatrice) La pioggia noi l'avevamo schivata in tenda; solo i bambini stavano fuori da giocare e cavalcare renne del tutto indifferenti - se guardi l'album su Picasa vedi proprio i goccioloni spessi fra loro e l'obiettivo.
2012/02/10 20:30 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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