Bolzano / Bozen   54473
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1 Ospedale San Maurizio (Krankenhauses)
2 Chiesa di Gries (Grieser Pfarrkirche)
3 Fiume Adige (Etsch)
4 Autostrada del Brennero (Brenner-Autobahn)
5 Duomo (Dom)
6 Castel Flavon (Haselburg)


Location: Monte Lira / Lawinen Spitz (1611 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date:
This is a very unusual pano. The pano shows the city of Bolzano (Bozen) photographed from Monte Lira (Lawinen Spitz ). Monte Lira allows a magnificent view of Bolzano, but the city is 15 km away. There are 8 photos with tele 300 mm; f4; 1/3200sec; ISO 200.


Eine sehr schöne Stadtansicht!

Jörg E.
2012/01/17 22:10 , Jörg Engelhardt
Hi, Giuseppe, labeling could help to enjoy the pano more.
2012/01/18 12:34 , Arne Rönsch
Now I know, Bolzano is not as nice as I thought before.
I also hope you will label this panorama.
LG Jörg
2012/01/18 12:40 , Jörg Nitz
I think that Bolzano certainly is not comparable to Venice or Verona, but it is a neat city, in a good location and with a very beautiful view of the Rosengarten. In the pano Bolzano is a bit penalized by the fact that the industrial area is in the foreground and the old town is behind and barely visible.
I do not know well Bolzano, but I put the labels that I know.
2012/01/18 19:34 , Giuseppe Marzulli
E' un pano che permette di riconoscere quasi ogni edificio! Sono stata molte volte in questo posto ma ho sempre fotografato le montagne, (forse per la mancanza del 300!) non ho mai pensato alla città in particolare. Interessante.
2012/01/19 19:32 , Beatrice Zanon

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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