Ganz, ganz unten im Archiv gefunden: Das Pano paßt zwar nicht zur Jahreszeit, aber ich wollte nach den dauernden Schwarzwald-Aussichten etwas Abwechslung bringen.
Goslar blieb im Krieg glücklicherweise unzerstört. Hunderte Fachwerkhäuser und viele romanische Kirchen prägen das Stadtbild. Die Lage am Rand des Harzes macht Goslar zudem attraktiv.
Der Nordturm der Marktkirche bietet einen vollständigen Rundblick, abgesehen vom störenden Südturm der Kirche. Leider stand die Sonne so tief, dass ich nach Südwesten zu das Pano abschneiden musste.
Jörg Braukmann, Jörg Engelhardt, Martin Kraus, Giuseppe Marzulli, Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen, Danko Rihter, Walter Schmidt, Christoph Seger, Markus Ulmer, Robert Viehl, Jens Vischer, Beatrice Zanon
Jörg E.
LG Christoph
für die fruchtbare Geschichtsstunde und mit dem beigelegte sauberen Panoramabild!"
( ;- ))
Habe es lange angeschaut bevor ich Deinen Text gelesen habe, eben wegen der Kriegsbomben.
Gruss Walter
as I wrote at the beginning (in German language) it has been possible to make a 360-degree panoramic view. But it was late afternoon when I did these pictures, so the altitude of the sun in western direction was very deep. In the South there is the big second tower of the church. So I cut this panorama directly before the tower (at the right side) and at the beginning of the deep sun light (left side). May be you will go there a third time and show us the complete view! I hope so :-)
BR Jörg
When I wrote that I missed the mountains, I simply meant that I miss being there, in the Harz. I took a few pictures from the tower with a compact-camera, before I was turned on producing pano-stuff. Later I tried to stitch them, but only 2 pics would fit (to the W). Getting there again may take some persuation, as my wife and my 12-year old daughter want something more exotic to look at. My 6-year old son however liked it VERY much, both the old-style houses and especially the steam-trains to Brocken. So its 2-2, but they have an advantage, I'm afraid.
By the way, it's about time we see a good panorama from Brocken. I would really love that! LG Jan.
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