Horidol Saridag   84814
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1 2877
2 3049
3 3066
4 2898
5 2957
6 2845
7 2804
8 3051
9 3067
10 Ger, 1580 GPS
11 Delger Haan Uul, 3016
12 3083
13 3166
14 3123
15 3125
16 Direction Murun
17 2865
18 Road
19 Direction Tsagaan Nuur


Location: Darkhand Blue Valley      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Mongolia      Date: 04-08-2011
This mountain chain in Mongolia lies between Lake Hovsgol and the Darkhand Blue Valley, a depression hosting an impressive series of nice lakes and meandering rivers, which are the remain of the large lake once covering the place. A rough piste of approx. 200 km connects Murun, the capital of the Hovsgol aimag (=district), to the very last village of Tsagaan Nuur (=white lake). From there, one crosses - on a curious floating bridge - the Shishged gol (=river), flowing towards the major Siberian river Jenisei, in order to reach the northernmost corner of Mongolia, covered by the taiga.
We had already crossed the "bridge" when our Mongolian guide was called back to the other side by a policeman just appeared on a motorbike coming from Tsagaan Nuur. He carried very bad news for us. Changing their previous advice, the local police now wanted us to drive back to Murun in order to get from the main police station a stamp on the permit which is required to visit these border zones.
After 10 p.m. we stocked ourselves on an old Russian Uaz, and in 11 hours we drove back the road which had costed us two full days. We arrived in Murun short after nine, and it took us just five minutes to have the paper stamped. After a 90 minute rest on a sofa, our heroic Mongolian driver took the burden to drive us back, in other 11 uninterrupted hours, to Tsagaan Nuur.
It was during the twilight of this incredible day that this panorama arose.
I tried to google the name of this mountain chain, but it is truly hard to find significant information about places like this. And, in the Mongolian 1:1.000.000 atlas, I barely find three or four named villages in a radius of 60 km. Paradoxically, in this nowhere-land, I own precise coordinates since during the first of our three (and, later on, four...) traversals of the valley we had enjoyed the hospitality of the ger portrayed in the picture. And, in that occasion, I had the GPS turned on.
In the weeks following the travel, trying to understand where I had been, I have found a considerably helpful to geo-reference the pictures by means of gpinsync, one of the programs which are able to combine Exif data with Gps information. I usually work under Linux, but this program appears to be available for Windows as well. To be honest, I am a beginner in those matters - if somebody is more skilled, I would be glad of any hint or suggestion.
Incidentally, here we are positioned at the very far end of the area covered by Udeuschle, such that I can label some mountain, let alone by name, but at least by height.


Ein Pano aus fernen Ländern. Sehr schön, weil ich die Mongolei faszinierend finde.

LG Hans
2011/11/30 10:31 , Johann Ilmberger
A fascinating panorama of this far-away landscape. Thank you for the pains you take to label the mountains. The question is whether these mountains have got individual names at all. Kind regards Wilfried
2011/11/30 11:53 , Wilfried Malz
Großartiges Panorama. Durch die Beleuchtung und die drohenden Wolken wirken die herrlich geformten Berge noch eindrücklicher.
Zur Namensfindung der Berge des Khoridol Saridag könnte ich folgende Hinweise geben. UDeuschle hat SRTM-Höhendaten in einer Auflösung von 3 Bogensekunden auch für die gesamte Mongolei in seinem Programm erfaßt, aber er hat keine Namen für die Objekte. In GeoNames http://www.geonames.org/maps/google_49.634_100.162.html finde ich drei bezeichnete Berge mit entspr. Koordinaten:
- Alhiin Gorgor ca. 2591m,
- Hordil Saridag ca. 2169m,
- Delger Haan ca. 2573m.
Diese könnte man durch Probieren zuordnen oder Ulrich Deuschle bitten, sie bei sich aufzunehmen. Es sind aber nicht die Höchsten der Gruppe.
Dann kann man auch versuchen, auf den Seiten von Jonathan de Ferranti http://www.viewfinderpanoramas.org/index.htm#details etwas zu finden.
2011/11/30 18:33 , Heinz Höra
Da kann man nur staunen, tolle Gegend!
2011/11/30 20:24 , Jens Vischer
Great place, great story, great light, great picture. Always fascinating to see such panos. Technically, it appears that the far end is hanging a little bit to the right - maybe worth correcting. Cheers, Martin
2011/11/30 20:34 , Martin Kraus
Magnifica scenografia. Ciao.
2011/11/30 22:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
The links are very useful!
Although their exploration is by far not the matter of one day, thanks to GeoNames I could already name a dozen of other Mongolian panoramas (especially those picturing lakes) which otherwise lied on the disk without any title!
For the specific of this picture, the names could be reliable: they are not unfamiliar to my ear, and in Mongolia the same names tend to return very often all around the country. However, they were probably not placed on the very top of the mountains, whence the strange heights.
As for the possibly wrong inclination, I do not remember. I stitched this pano with Hugin a certain number of weeks ago, then it "lived" in the pano2vr version, which I presented at several slideshows. And now for the 500 pix version I kept the Hugin project untouched.
Typically, however, when Udeuschle is available, I set the parameters sticking to his rendering, unless some cheating is "necessary" due to lack of pixels at some edge. But I did not think that this was the case here, since the photos were vertical and were cut with abundance.
One thing is certain: Mongolia is the exact opposite of Sydney for all friends of vertical control points!
2011/12/01 23:56 , Pedrotti Alberto
Wowh. LG Robert
2012/01/06 19:50 , Robert Viehl

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Pedrotti Alberto

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