The Storebælt-bridges.   115044
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1 Højbjerg 29 m, 26 km.
2 Water tower, Høng, 7 km.
3 Small power plant, Høng, 8 km.
4 Musholm Bugt, Store Bælt (Great Belt).
5 Vagtbanke 20 m, 28 km.
6 Halsskov Odde, 29 km.
7 Fredskov, Lundeborg, 62 km.
8 Eastern anchor block, 31,2 km.
9 Eastern tower, 31,6 km.
10 Bildsø Skov, 15 km.
11 Storebælt (Great Belt).
12 Purreskov 41 m, Lundeborg, 58 km.
13 Western tower, 32,9 km.
14 Western anchor block, 33,3 km.
15 Drøsselbjerg 42 m, 14 km.
16 Sprogø island, 24 m, 35 km.
17 Sprogø lighthouse, 35,9 km.
18 Gudbjerg Mark 93 m, 63 km.
19 Landfill addition to Sprogø.
20 Car lights, west bridge.
21 Car lights, west bridge.
22 West bridge, 40 km.
23 Gammel Dyrehave 106 m, 60 km.
24 P. 92 m, 57 km.
25 Storebælt (Great Belt).
26 Nyborg 47km ?
27 Grønbanke 119 m, 64 km.
28 Ravndrup Vænge 112 m, 63 km.
29 Lykkesholm 94 m, 58 km.
30 Måreskov 82 m, 61 km.
31 Ravnholt 75 m, 59 km.


Location: Kløveshøj. (100 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2011-10-14, 17:23.
The Storebælt-bridges connect Sjælland with Fyn. They are connected in the middle of Storebælt on the island of Sprogø. The system is consisting of the west bridge (combined road- and railway-bridge), a railway-tunnel (from Sjælland to Sprogø), and the east bridge (a suspension bridge for vehicles). The suspension bridge has a main span of 1,6 km, the longest in Europe. The pylons reach 254 m above sealevel, making them some of the highest points in Denmark.

In clear weather the pylons are visible in most of western Sjælland from high points in the landscape - Røsnæs, 45 km away, among others.

From this point Sprogø can barely been seen, it's just a little pile of soil with a lighthouse on. However, it was doubled in area with the construction of the bridges.

As you can observe around the pylons, the horizon is above the foundation. Given the hight of the hill + my own = 101,9, the distance to the horizon can be calculated: 3,856V101,9 (forgive me the simplified symbol). This gives a horizon of 39 km.

The pano was made from 9 pics (RAW). Converted in DPP (from my Canon-purchase), stitched with Hugin, scaled and sharpened with Irfanview.

300 mm, iso-200, f/6,3, 1/400 sec. Freihand, don't know the english word.


Nice portrait of this beautiful bridge. I passed in the summer of 2001 in the early hours of the day, when mist crawled around at the shores and under the bridge and the upcomming sun glanced above the horizon. It was a mystic mood, especially because of one couldn't see any mainland on either side because of the mist.
2011/10/19 21:08 , Robert Mitschke
What a pity that it seems so in the haze. Nevertheless, a good photo of this vast building. Greetings Udo.
2011/10/20 00:20 , Udo Schmidt
Like a painting of a romantic - in the technique age. And probably very typically for the Danish island realm.
I am pleased that you explain the influence of Earth's curvature so beautifully. I also tried that scon quite often
But, Jan, contains your computation of the horizon distance also the influence of the refraction?
2011/10/20 22:52 , Heinz Höra
Hello Heinz.

No, I don't think so. To be honest I ripped the simple equation off english Wikipedia, and I got a little (well, a lot!) lost further down. But as far as I could grasp, the refraktion is dependent on both land- and sea-temperature, which here makes calculating almost like climbing a mountain...Your mountain-horizon calculations I is most relevant, as in 2-3000 m the horizon should actually be curved for the naked eye. Best regards, Jan.
2011/10/21 20:55 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Jan, one can compute the radius of the view horizon completely simply with the Pythagorean theorem: Rh = SQRT((Re+H)^2-Re^2), where Rh is the radius of the view horizon, Re the radius of the earth appr. 6366 km and H the observation height to indicate in km. Refraction increases the value by approximately 11 to 13 per cent. In the mountains the view horizon is however not relevant. But in the flat country and particularly on the sea he can be regarded in such a way. Your computation and above all your conclusion are exactly correct. I treated a similar case here :
2011/10/22 00:42 , Heinz Höra
I have made a reload. Two reasons:

1: The first version was made with the "Landscape"-modus, because I liked the rich colours in that modus. However, I think there was a tendency to artefacts in the old version, and a little dull feeling. Here it is "Neutral", and some more contrast. I think it comes out sharper and clearer now. In this version you can see the car-lights on the bridge, that was not possible in the first version.

2: The first version focused solely on the bridge. Now, it continues to the right, and some far away hills on Fyn can be pin-pointed.

2012/05/03 22:27 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Jan, die vorherige Version Deines Panroamas war bestimmt auch sehr gut, sonst hätte ich nicht davon so geschwärmt. Man brauchte aber diese Version, um die von Dir genannten Verbesserungen beurteilen zu können. Du solltest Dir auch einen Testplatz anlegen und die alte Version dort hochladen.
Der Landschafts-Modus macht laut Beschreibung auch eine Schärfung. Inwieweit diese die eigentliche Schärfung beeiflußt, kann ich nicht sagen. Ich schärfe auch beim Landschafts-Modus extra noch. Allerdings benutze ich nur die einfache Methode.
Die Feinzeichnung ist in Deinem Panorama aber wieder ausgezeichnet. Das wird aber hauptsächlich an Deinem guten Objektiv liegen. Jedoch kann ich die Lichter der Autos nicht sehen.
Ich habe noch einige Fragen:
Würde man eigentlich von Vesterskov, Seeland bzw. von Mesinge, Fünen den Verlauf der Brücke besser sehen?
Wann bringst Du ein Panorama mit der Öresundbrücke?
Vielleicht fahre ich im Mai einmal von Saßnitz nach Trelleborg. Wo wäre denn Deiner Meinung nach der beste Aussichtspunkt auf die Öresundbrücke?
2012/05/04 18:48 , Heinz Höra
Sehr schöne Stimmung - der leichte Dunst verleiht dem Bild eine gewisse Tiefe. VG HJ
2012/05/04 21:31 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Hi there...The artefacts are not that prominent in the old version, but still enough to irritate me slightly. They can be seen on my new test-site, #10164, just above the horizon and the bridge. The carlights are the many dots just above the west bridge, mark 20 - 21.

I must admit that I am not familiar with the views from Fyn. A bridge crossing costs 32 euros each way, so only a matter of life or death, or very rare birds, can justify a trip...From Seeland there are a few good points, that are really good. One is from a hill south of Slagelse, called Hashøj (93 m), where one sees the structure more head-on, but still good. Other good spot are from coastal cliffs northwards from Korsør to Reersø.

To be honest I don't really know a close view to the Øresund bridge. The island Amager is really low lying, so I would guess a tall building was much better. The town of Dragør could be good. From sweden I also don't know, but I would guess from the coast south of Malmö. LG Jan.
2012/05/04 22:38 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Jan, vielen Dank für Deine Antworten auf meine Fragen.
Doch jetzt noch einige Anmerkungen zu Deinem Panorama. Es ist wirklich bemerkenswert, wie gut Du die Küste von Fyn, die ja über 40 bis 50 km entfernt ist, abgebildet hast. Aufgrund der Höhe Deines Aufnahmestandpunktes - 100 m üNN zuzüglich Deiner hünenhaften Größe von 1,9 m - wird der Meereshorizont bei ca. 39 km liegen. D. h. , daß man den Strand von Fünen nicht sehen kann. Der Meereshorizont muß als über die ganze Breite eine Linie gleicher Höhe bilden, was in Deinem Panorama gegeben ist. Erstaunt war ich, wie gut Du die Küste von Fünen, die offenbar fast überall auf ca. 100m ansteigt, abgebildet hast. Ob man allerdings die von Dir benannten Punkte anhand ihrer Form erkennen kann, bezweifle ich. Etwas verwirrt hat mich der von Dir bezeichnete Højbjerg. So heißt doch auch der höchste Berg auf Fünen, der in der gleichen Richtung liegen müßte.
2012/05/06 22:57 , Heinz Höra
Hello Heinz. That is because "Højbjerg" is a very common name for hills in Denmark. The name means "high hill", or "Hochberg". It is not uncommon in Denmark with mocking and sarcastic place names, especially for hills. People back in time apparently found it funny, how even small hills stood out from the landscape. Also a hill in Jutland is called "Højfjelde", a sarcastic reference to the scandinavian range (called Fjeldene, same as die Felsen). LG Jan.
2012/05/07 00:36 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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