Piazza Plebiscito   83759
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1 Palazzo Salerno
2 Statua di Carlo III di Borbone
3 Basilica San Francesco di Paola
4 Statua di Ferdinando I di Borbone
5 Palazzo della Prefettura


Location: Napoli      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 11 agosto 2011
Piazza Plebiscito (Plebiscite Square) is probably the most famous square in Naples. Located very closely to the gulf of Naples, it is bounded on the west by the church of San Francesco di Paola. The church is reminiscent of the Pantheon in Rome.


Bellissima, ma decisamente non era in corso un plebiscito in quel momento!
2011/09/28 00:13 , Pedrotti Alberto
Penso che si riesca a trovare Piazza Plebiscito così vuota solo in una caldissima mattina di agosto. Ciao.
2011/09/28 21:32 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Che bello!!!

2011/09/28 22:07 , Jörg Engelhardt
Mich würde interessieren, ob der Platz so stark nach links abfällt, weil doch die Gebäude rechts viel höher sind als links. Oder war der Aufnahmestandpunkt nicht genau in der Mitte?
2011/09/29 22:31 , Heinz Höra
I do not know if I understood the question. However, the photos were deliberately not taken from the center. For my aesthetic canons (and for distribution of the light) I think is better a little decentralized.
2011/09/29 23:28 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I think that your panorama is stitched inclined. Only if one stands far away from the center, buildings with different height result.
2011/10/01 20:34 , Heinz Höra
I think you've certainly wrong and the reason seems obvious to me. Look at the cross on the dome and the statue above the temple.
2011/10/08 10:08 , Giuseppe Marzulli
It is not easy to get such a beautiful picture of this usually VERY busy place. Well done!
2012/04/15 21:03 , Christoph Seger

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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