Napoli da Castel Sant' Elmo   64343
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1 Duomo
2 Centro Direzionale
3 Spaccanapoli
4 Campanile Basilica di Santa Chiara
5 Campabile Certosa di San Martino
6 Monte Somma 1132
7 Monte Vesuvio 1281
8 Stazione Marittima
9 Faro
10 Castel Nuovo (Maschio Angioino)
11 Molo San Vincenzo
12 Galleria Umberto I
13 Palazzo Reale
14 Monte Sant' Angelo ai Tre Pizzi 1444m
15 Palazzo Salerno
16 Piazza Plebiscito
17 Basilica di San Francesco di Paola
18 Palazzo Ciccarelli di Cesavolpe
19 Santa Maria degli Angeli a Pizzofalcone
20 Monte San Costanzo 495m
21 Lungomare Caracciolo
22 Monte Tiberio (Isola di Capri) 297
23 Monte Solaro (Isola di Capri) 589 m


Location: Napoli      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 11 agosto 2011
"Neapel ist ein Paradies, jedermann lebt in einer Art von trunkner Selbstvergessenheit. Mir geht es ebenso, ich erkenne mich kaum, ich scheine mir ein ganz anderer Mensch." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

My opinion is a little different. Naples is a city with huge social problems and a widespread crime. But it is also a city with many very interesting places to see and its location is really exceptional.
Castel Sant 'Elmo is probably the best place to observe the city from high.


Hot summerday, man spürt die Hitze!
2011/08/21 21:54 , Klaus Brückner
You are right: 37°C during the photos!
2011/08/21 22:09 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Very fine view, although to me it looks a bit oversharpened.
2011/08/22 19:53 , Martin Kraus
Your first version you showed one day for some minutes was much better. The sharpness is too strong for me now.
LG Jörg
2011/08/22 22:53 , Jörg Nitz
I think you're right. Tomorrow I will try to reduce the sharpness
2011/08/22 23:49 , Giuseppe Marzulli
This is an exceptionally good shot of this beautiful but problem-loaded Mega-City.
congratulation, Christoph
2011/08/23 21:09 , Christoph Seger

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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