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Not far away from my hotel there's this really nice place.
Good to be combined with a greater evening tour in the downtown area. EOS400D 29HF RAW Av=3.5 Tv=1/60 f=18mm ISO-400 freehand and surprisingly noiseless Check for more details here: http://www.saintlouistravel.net/index.php/2010/03/st-louis-city-garden/ Pano in 700Pix height here: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/49410935 List of tallest buildings in St.Louis: http://skyscraperpage.com/diagrams/?cityID=518 1- One SBC Center (179m) 1986 2- Metropolitain Square (181m) 1989 3- Bank of America Plaza (117m) 1981 4- Eagleton Federal Courthouse (170m) 2000 5- 1010 Market (90m) 1981 6- Civil Courts Building (117m) 1929 7- Southwestern Bell Building (121m) 1926 8- Hilton East Tower (85m) 1964 9- Hilton West Tower (69m) 1964 |
Oben mehr Luft hätte ich mir auch gewünscht. Bei f=18mm möglich aber nicht mit der 400 sondern nur mit einer Vollformatkamera. VG HJ
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