Lago d'Iseo   2665
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1 Monte Ferrante, 2427m
2 Esmate
3 Solto Collina
4 Presolana, 2521m
5 Monte Clemo, 780m
6 Monte Valtero, 1459m
7 Monte Alto, 1723m
8 Monte Pora, 1880m
9 Chiesa di San Defendente
10 Zorzino
11 Costa Volpino
12 Dosso Blussega, 1811m
13 Pisogne
14 Punta delle Croci Bresciane
15 Grignaghe
16 Riva di Solto
17 Dosso Camussone, 1433m
18 Colma di Marucolo, 1856m
19 Monte Aguina, 1253m
20 Monte Agolo (Tredici Piante), 1366m
21 Corna Trentapassi, 1244m
22 Monte Guglielmo (Dosso Pedalta), 1957m
23 Dosso Tondo, 1071m
24 Monte Guglielmo (Cima di Castel Bertino), 1948m
25 Monte Vignole, 1095m
26 Punta Cunicolo, 1034m
27 Punta Tisdel, 1330m
28 Vello


Location: Fonteno (Panchina Gigante n. 53)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 17 July 2023
In Italy the project of the Big Benches is having a good success.
The Big Benches (panchine giganti in Italian) are very big, colored, numbered, located in panoramic points and are on land accessible to all.
This pano was taken from Big Bench number 53.


In Spain, I encountered a similar project of panoramic swings with very broad benches- "columpio", which are perfect for our community. Will show one of them as part of my series. Cheers, Martin
2023/07/22 20:36 , Martin Kraus
Magnificent viewpoint and panorama - I love this region much, but unfortunately I'm not often there ;-) !!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2023/08/06 10:42 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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