Same location, same afternoon as Pano #30866.
Once the air cleared up I found the view from San Fernando Hill truly stunning. The light and clouds were ever changing that afternoon and quite fascinating. A seemingly constant nuisance that day was a large number of large bugs in the air. Were they crickets, locusts?
They didn't attack the visitors, didn't attack or eat the plants... simply required that I removed 'hundreds' (in total) of them with the spot removal tool of Lightroom...
~30 captures in Landscape orientation at 135mm MFT ~ 270mm KB.
Oly EM5 Mk ii with the convenient 14-150mm lens.
By the way, there's a re-load of my most recent Trinidadian Pano
Müller Björn, Jörg Braukmann, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Martin Kraus, Steffen Minack, Niels Müller-Warmuth, Jörg Nitz, Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen, Danko Rihter, Silas S, Björn Sothmann, Jens Vischer, Benjamin Vogel
Herzliche Grüße
LG Jörg
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