Gulf of Paria & Trinidad Northern Range from San Fernando Hill   2602
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1 somewhere in Venezuela
2 Somewhere in Venezuela
3 Parque Nacional Península de Paria (VEN)
4 Peninsula de Paria (VEN)
5 Chacachacare Island (Trinidad)
6 Bocas del Dragon
7 Huevos Island (Trinidad)
8 Monos Island (Trinidad)
9 Gasparee Island (Trinidad)
10 Sumah Gardens (?)
11 Pointe A Pierre
12 Mount Pleasant
13 Shipwreck (see pano #30963 tropical island sunset...)
14 Petite Valley
15 Cumberland Hill
16 Petroleum Industry between Claxton Bay and Couva-
17 Downtown San Fernando
18 Claxton Bay
19 La Vigie Paramin
20 Lady Chancellor Peak
21 Mount Tucuche (?)
22 El Cerro del Aripo (?)


Location: San Fernando Hill (105 m)      by: Augustin Werner
Area: Trinidad And Tobago      Date: 14 June 2022
Same location, same afternoon as Pano #30866.
Once the air cleared up I found the view from San Fernando Hill truly stunning. The light and clouds were ever changing that afternoon and quite fascinating. A seemingly constant nuisance that day was a large number of large bugs in the air. Were they crickets, locusts?

They didn't attack the visitors, didn't attack or eat the plants... simply required that I removed 'hundreds' (in total) of them with the spot removal tool of Lightroom...

~30 captures in Landscape orientation at 135mm MFT ~ 270mm KB.
Oly EM5 Mk ii with the convenient 14-150mm lens.

By the way, there's a re-load of my most recent Trinidadian Pano


Irgendwie geht mir bei diesem Standort immer das gute alte ABBA-Lied durch den Sinn ... die gesamte Serie Deiner Reise in dieses für p-p exotische Land beeindruckt mich, Augustin !!

Herzliche Grüße
2023/01/07 10:51 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Spannend! Viel Abwechslung auf dem Wasser und beim Wetter. Ein toller Eindruck!
LG Jörg
2023/01/08 15:33 , Jörg Nitz

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Augustin Werner

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