Kirkjufellsfoss   41177
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1 Mýrarhyrna 588 m, 2 km
2 Kirkjufell 463 m, 2 km
3 Eyrarfjall 352 m, 10 km
4 Klakkur 380 m, 8 km
5 Bjarnarhafnarfjall 574 m, 15 km
6 Kolgrafamúli 427 m, 11 km
7 Lambahnúkur 568 m, 7 km
8 Grundarfjöður, 2 km


Location: Kirkjufellsfoss (10 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Iceland      Date: 2022-07-01, 15:58
Kirkjufell is much fotographed, and known from som "Game of Throanes" seasons. The nearby Kirkjufellsfoss is a crowd-puller, and probably much nicer early or late in the day.

Pano made from 35 HF (RAW), 50 mm, iso-125, f/9, 1/320 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


A great landscape! In my opinion, the eye-catcher of this pano is the mountain. The dominance of this remarkable mountain over the wide landscape with the river and the sea would be better appreciated without the left part of the pano.
2022/11/22 21:53 , Matthias Matthey
I like the picture in its entire width. Regards Peter
2022/11/23 22:23 , Peter Brandt
Auch nach meiner Auffassung ist schon ein Widerspuch zwischen den beiden Bildhälften, der aber in der Zusammenfasssung des Panoramabildes sich auflöst.
2022/11/23 22:52 , Heinz Höra
I actually very much like how you include the realities of the tourist business in your panoramas of these spectacular, well-visited and often depicted sites. Cheers, Martin
2022/11/25 19:20 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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