Cassino   51180
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1 Colle Aquilone, 1268m
2 Monte Camino (La Defensa), 960m
3 Monte Trocchio, 428m
4 Monte Maio, 940m
5 Cassino
6 Rocca Janula
7 Abbazia di Monte Cassino
8 Quota 593 (Obelisco dei Caduti Polacchi)


Location: SR509      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 9 September 2022
The pano shows the valley of the Rapido river and in the distance the Abbey of Monte Cassino.
Monte Cassino is a rocky hill about 130 kilometres southeast of Rome, 2 kilometres west of Cassino and at an elevation of 520 m. Site of the Roman town of Casinum, it is widely known for its abbey, the first house of the Benedictine Order, having been established by Benedict of Nursia himself around 529. It was for the community of Monte Cassino that the Rule of Saint Benedict was composed.
It is perhaps the most famous Italian abbey, but it was completely destroyed during the Second World War.
From the pano one can well understand the strategic importance of the abbey from a military point of view, which caused its destruction.


My first thought was that the left mountain is Monte Serre (917m). Unfortunately, that is wrong.
2022/10/25 17:24 , Steffen Minack
Very nice pano. Actually I have no real clue, but just because of the huge construction at the top of the mountain: Monte Cassino???
2022/10/25 18:58 , Paul V.M.
Yes good. There at the top is the Abbey of Monte Cassino, certainly one of the most famous Italian abbeys.
For reasons that I will explain later, this pano can also be interesting for connoisseurs of military history.
2022/10/25 19:17 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Unfortunately I didn't have enough time for this nice challenge. I was there only once and that was in 1983. Cheers, Martin
2022/10/27 17:20 , Martin Kraus
Maybe you can remove the slight shadow above the Quota 593 on the right.
2022/10/30 19:22 , Jörg Braukmann

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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