Il vaccinieto   8810
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1 Rifugio Le Malghe, 1640m
2 Monte Cupolino, 1852m
4 Monte Spigolino, 1827m
5 Monte Cimone, 2165m
6 Monte Cervarola, 1623m
7 Monte Ardicello, 1544m


Location: Parco del Corno alle Scale (Lizzano in Belvedere)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 8 October 2022

I post this pano to show a "vaccinieto".
The vaccinieto (which I don't know if it can be translated into English or German) is a vegetable formation in which the blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) predominates, in Italy linked to mountain environments, both in the Alps and in the Apennines.
On the Apennines the limit of the vegetation of the trees is often constituted by the beeches. But, at a higher altitude, the vaccinieto appears.
In autumn the leaves of the blueberry (often associated with the rhododendron) turn red, becoming easily recognizable.


very interesting. reminds me of blockhaus, but only because I do not many other similar places ;-)
2022/10/09 18:51 , Christoph Seger
Truly nice colours!
VG, Danko.
2022/10/09 21:04 , Danko Rihter
Questo diventerà un buon vicino (per non dire vicinissimo) del mio n.20079
2022/10/09 22:42 , Pedrotti Alberto
Ich bin überrascht, dass so weit südlich die Heidelbeere ganze Hänge bedeckt. Als typische Halbschattenpflanze sieht man das eher im Norden Europas, typisch in Lappland.

2022/10/10 15:31 , Dieter Leimkötter
Does the Blueberry even work as a vaccine? (;-)
2022/10/11 15:06 , Augustin Werner
As a vaccine, certainly no. But blueberries are very tasty, they contain a lot of vitamins and the wild mountain ones are tastier ;-)

Perhaps it is better that I specify that "vaccinieto" does not derive from vaccine, but from "Vaccinium", the scientific name of the blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus).
2022/10/11 15:21 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Ha no vaccine indeed but Mirtilli neri selvatici are very healthy as digestivo;-)
2022/10/11 20:50 , Christoph Seger
I totally agree ;-)
2022/10/11 22:16 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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