Matese   10630
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1 La Gallinola, 1923m
2 SP106
3 My car
4 (Monte Miletto), 2050m


Location: Colle Bellavista (or Croce di Costa Alta) (1730 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 8 September 2022
The Matese is a small mountainous massif of the southern Apennines, between Molise and Campania. The highest peak is Monte Miletto, 2050 meters. It is a little known area, but very interesting, where pastoralism is still the main economic activity. On the road you see, it often happens that you have to stop and wait for the passage of sheep or cows.
I was just passing through and visited it for just one day.


Hard to guess. I would love to see this in Monte Sibillini, but I am for sure wrong ...
2022/09/10 20:49 , Christoph Seger
Hi Christoph. It is not in the Sibillini. it is a small mountain range where tourists are very rare, of which (I believe) there are no panos.
2022/09/11 10:02 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Could it be that it is in a Nature Reserve near the "tacco" ?
Need to find that Square :-)
2022/09/11 10:09 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Ciao Hans-Jürgen. As you know, there are no mountains in the "tacco". Only low plateaus and coast. And it is not in a Nature Reserve near the "heel".
2022/09/11 10:15 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Yes you are right Giuseppe, too green I suppose and the cloudy hills probably unusual for the area. Presumably true for the mountains on Gargano as well (i.e. Monte Calvo)
... searching for the square...
2022/09/11 13:21 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Sorry, it is not in the Gargano.
2022/09/11 15:51 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Where you stand (about 1730m high) it is rightly named "Colle Bellavista" (according to OSM). The road leads to the ski center of C.M.
Thanks for showing, I had not know this area and I believe you that not many tourists find here.
Cheers, Martin
2022/09/11 16:24 , Martin Kraus
I had planned to go to the second peak of the massif, which is the highest peak in Campania, but it was completely covered by fog (in the pano you can see the summit in one of the rare moments of less fog), so I searched for the first viewpoint I found.
I didn't even know where I was :-)
2022/09/11 16:37 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Giuseppe & Martin 
I thank both of you for the hints, which made the riddle solveable to me. Beautiful location !!
2022/09/11 16:58 , Christoph Seger
It is hard to think that this weather with rain, wind and fog can be found in Campania at the beginning of September, but in the mountains can happen...
2022/09/11 18:00 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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