Not your typical vacation country, not your typical vacation weather.
Trinidad & Tobago are two distinct islands, which together form one country. Trinidad is the bigger Island, has most of the population, the bigger cities, all of the oil and gas industry. The countries' wealth in those natural resources has meant they have little need' to develop tourism like other Caribbean Islands. Little surprise perhaps that somehow they discovered how to turn empty oil barrels in to drums...
Meine liebe Debbie ist in San Fernando geboren & in Trinidad aufgewachsen. Ihre Mutter & einige Geschwister leben noch immer da. Neulich haben wir die wohl laengst faellige Reise angetreten - fuer mich der erste Besuch dort ueberhaupt.
11 captures in landscape orientation at 135mm MFT ~ 270mm KB
Müller Björn, Klaus Brückner, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Heinz Höra, Martin Kraus, Giuseppe Marzulli, Steffen Minack, Jörg Nitz, Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen, Danko Rihter, Arne Rönsch, Christoph Seger, Björn Sothmann, Jens Vischer, Benjamin Vogel
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