Oxtongue River - Ragged Falls Provincial Park   41292
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Location: Algonquin Highlands, Ontario (390 m)      by: Augustin Werner
Area: Canada      Date: 28 June 2020
A small Provincial Park with a mighty waterfall just west of the much more famous Algonquin Provincial Park.

This was our family's first get away weekend after the first Covid lockdown in 2020. Still kind of morning hours and with most people still staying home. I wonder how crowded it would be on a regular weekend afternoon now that almost all covid restrictions have been lifted.

I would have been happy to have my tripod with me and capture this interesting spot as a spherical pano. Handheld, I found it a bit challenging but fun to try. - Now that I'm posting the pano here, I'm surprised to see the location is just 15km away from the lovel village of Dorset and its popular Lookout tower


"Aus der steinigen Wüste zum lebendigen Wasser" - ein Motiv und Bildaufbau der in mir sofort Begeisterung ausgelöst hat, Augustin !!

Herzliche Grüße
2022/06/02 20:51 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Wild Ontario - great to see this as a contrast and also great to see your work here again. Cheers, Martin
2022/06/02 21:26 , Martin Kraus
I have missed your canadian impressions very much. Thanks for showing them again. LG Jan.
2022/06/02 22:29 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Vielen Dank fuer das freundliche Feedback!
PS: Nicht ganz absichtlich ist es ja auch ein Familienpano...
2022/06/07 14:15 , Augustin Werner

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Augustin Werner

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