Monte Isola   71428
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1 Monte Bronzone, 1334m
2 Punta Piagnola, 1226m
3 Grigna Settentrionale, 2409m
4 Monte Gremalto, 1328m
5 Gallinarga
6 Isola di San Paolo
7 Vigolo
8 Tavernola Bergamasca
9 Monte Alben, 2019m
10 Rocca Martinengo
11 Sensole
12 Cima di Menna, 2300m
13 Pizzo di Menna, 2274m
14 Cima di Grem, 2049m
15 Parzanica
16 Cima Foppazzi, 2097m
17 Peschiera Maraglio
18 Pizzo Arera, 2512m
19 Fonteno
20 Sulzano
21 Cima del Fop, 2322m
22 Santuario della Madonna di Ceriola
23 Monte Pradella, 2619m
24 Solto Collina
25 Riva di Solto
26 Isola di Loreto
27 Monte Grabiasca, 2705m
28 Pizzo del Diavolo di Tenda, 2916m
29 Carzano
30 Bossico
31 Marone
32 Eremo di San Pietro
33 Corna Trentapassi, 1248m
34 Pizzo Redorta, 3038m
35 Pizzo Coca, 3050m
36 Sale Marasino
37 Presolana, 2521m
38 Pizzo Recastello, 2886m
39 Monte Gleno 2882m
40 Pizzo Tornello, 2687m


Location: Colmi di Polaveno      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 14 December 2021
With a total area of 12,8 square kilometres, Monte Isola ranks as the largest lake island not only in Italy, but also in South and Central Europe.
In this pano Monte Isola is photographed in one day, one time and from a slightly different position than the 30057 pano.

In Italy it is a tradition in these days to exchange wishes for a Merry Christmas.
Therefore I wish everyone a Frohe Weihnachten.


Buon Natale!
Questo vogliamo festeggiare.

And not to forget, it is a very nice panorama.
2021/12/24 17:10 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Stupendo mood - molto appropriata alla Natale.

Ti auguro e alla tua famiglia un Natale sereno e meraviglioso.
2021/12/25 10:16 , Werner Schelberger
Thank you very much for your friendly comments.
2021/12/26 21:58 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I am too late for the Christmas wishes, but not too late to admire the wonderful light. Cheers, Martin
2021/12/28 17:12 , Martin Kraus
Fein präsentierte goldene Stunde vor wunderbarer Kulisse.

2021/12/29 10:13 , Dieter Leimkötter
This series from your closer home region is simply inspiring !!!! For you and your family my best wishes for a good and healthy New Year 2022, Giuseppe.

Many greetings,
2022/01/03 20:37 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Auguri e buon Anno, Bellissima!
2022/01/08 21:38 , Augustin Werner

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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